"It is better to trust in the Lord than to put confidence in men." Ps 118:8
CSA News, first printed in December of 1983, typically contains
provocative articles about origins issues, and informs readers about CSA activities.
Articles in CSA News have covered a great many of the most common Creation/Evolution
issues. The articles can be viewed, printed, or downloaded and multiple copies
printed for use in a class or just giving to your friends and relatives.
Furthermore, many past CSA meetings are available on Audio and Video
tape. These tapes may be checked out free from the
CSA Lending Library. CSA News began in December, 1983. If you read and reflect on the contents,
and test what you read against God's Word, most of your origins questions
should be cleared up. If not, we, and many other creation scientists offer
web sites and many other resources. Browse and taste the joy that Jesus promised.
CSA News Articles
Newsletters up to 2010 are only available in PDF format.
Starting 2013 they are available below in PDF and HTML format.
To get the free
Acrobat Reader: Click here: ===> Get
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Finding Articles of Interest
There are at least four ways to find articles of interest below:
- Simply Browse the list of back issues below, reading the
titles for ones that sound of interest, or
- Press "Ctrl F," which will bring up a small "FIND"
Dialog Box in your Browser. Key in a word of interest and press "Enter"
This will search only the text in the list of Newsletters, Article Titles,
and brief descriptions below, or
- Use the "Search for Key Words" Button on the Home
Page (click below). The Search Button will search the entire Web Site, or
- From the Home Page and click, or From Here, see ===> "FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions".
November 2015 Volume 32:11
"Evolution from a Jewish Perspective
"Squaw Creek pictures"
"This is the Last Issue of the CSAMA Newsletter"
October 2015 Volume 32:10
"Safari to Ha Ha Tonka, and Lake of the Ozarks"
"Two Disappointments: Mastodon Museum, and
the Illinois Cahokia Mounds Interpretive Center"
by Douglas Roger Dexheimer
"Safari Report: Finding Keokuk Geodes"
by Douglas Roger Dexheimer
September 2015 Volume 32:9
"The Connection between
Blood Moons and the Shemitah "
by Douglas Roger Dexheimer
August 2015 Volume 32:8
"Genetic Investigation of Elephantids:
Woolly Mammoth vs. Indian Elephant"
by Douglas Roger Dexheimer
"Geophysical Discovery: La Basin"
by Douglas Roger Dexheimer
July 2015 Volume 32:7
"Lynn Lemons Memorial Safari:
Mammoth State Park; Cahokia Mounds; Keokuk Geodes"
by Douglas Roger Dexheimer
"Another of the Created Kinds: Elephantid "
by Douglas Roger Dexheimer
"Cahokia Mound Builders Indian Tribe"
by Douglas Roger Dexheimer
"Keokuk, Iowa Geode Hunt "
by Douglas Roger Dexheimer
June 2015 Volume 32:6
"Signs and Seasons, Part 5:
Astronomer’s Comments"
by Douglas Roger Dexheimer
"Local 'Answers in Genesis' Conference,
April 17 - 18, 2015"
by Douglas Roger Dexheimer
"Recent Geophysical Events Confirm Theory;
Part I: Earthquakes"
by Douglas Roger Dexheimer
"Genetics 301: Manipulating Genes"
by Douglas Roger Dexheimer
May 2015 Volume 32:5
"Cancer: Commentary on a PBS Documentary,
with Added Creationist Insights"
by Douglas Roger Dexheimer
"Genetics 102: Plant Breeding the Natural Way"
by Douglas Roger Dexheimer
April 2015 Volume 32:4
"Extraterrestrial Search for Life:
Origin of Life Still Sought"
by Douglas Roger Dexheimer
"Follow-up on March Monthly Meeting Presentation:
'Lunar Eclipses' Editorial Comments'"
by Douglas Roger Dexheimer
March 2015 Volume 32 (3)
"Incredible Astronomical Symmetry"
by Douglas Roger Dexheimer
"Reflections on Baraminology'"
by Douglas Roger Dexheimer and Todd Elder
February 2015 Volume 32 (2)
"Signs and Seasons: Geometry of Eclipses"
by Douglas Roger Dexheimer
Safari Summary and Highlights for 2015
"Natural or Artificial Selection:
The Plant Breeder's Weapon - 'Landraces'"
by Douglas Roger Dexheimer
January 2015 Volume 32 (1)
"Relativity Revisited: was Einstein Wrong About c ?"
by Douglas Roger Dexheimer
"Calendar Conversion Considerations"
by Douglas Roger Dexheimer
December 2014 Volume 31 (12)
"Ebola virus: Evolution or Mutation?"
by Douglas Roger Dexheimer
2015 January - June Monthly Meeting Topics
"Signs and Seasons: Biblical References to Heavenly Bodies"
by Douglas Roger Dexheimer
November 2014 Volume 31 (11)
"A New Local Museum Features Fossils of Kansas"
by Douglas Roger Dexheimer
2015 January - June Monthly Meeting Topics
"Ha Ha Tonka Safari – 2014" or
by Douglas Roger Dexheimer & Paul Fennern
October 2014 Volume 31 (10)
"Common Core Curriculum: Update"
by Douglas Roger Dexheimer
"Human Origins (according to the Discovery Institute)"
by Douglas Roger Dexheimer & Paul Fennern
"Creation Scientists, ‘Born Again’ in Hawaii"
by Douglas Roger Dexheimer
September 2014 Volume 31 (9)
"Origin of Petroleum: is Oil a Fossil, OR Abiotic?"
by Douglas Roger Dexheimer
August 2014 Volume 31 (8)
"Entropy of the Human Genome, and Human Reproduction"
by Douglas Roger Dexheimer
"What is Baraminology? Part II"
by Douglas Roger Dexheimer
July 2014 Volume 31 (7)
"A Close Encounter on Friday the 13th"
by Douglas Roger Dexheimer
"What is Baraminology? Part I"
by Douglas Roger Dexheimer
June 2014 Volume 31 (6)
"Safari Report: Western Kansas, 2014"
by Douglas Roger Dexheimer
"Dr. Robert Carter Visits Kansas City"
by Douglas Roger Dexheimer
"Public School System Is Dangerous to Your Children"
by Douglas Roger Dexheimer
Book Review:
An Introduction into the Science of Geocentric Cosmology"
by Robert Sungenis, PhD (Physics)"
by Bruce Scoggan
May 2014 Volume 31 (5)
"Convoluted Common Core Complications"
by Douglas Roger Dexheimer
"A Matter of Time: Rapid Cave Formation, Part II"
by Douglas Roger Dexheimer
April 2014 Volume 31 (4)
"Blood Moons, The Scientific Method, & Testing the Hypotheses" by Douglas Roger Dexheimer
"It’s All About Time!" by Douglas Roger Dexheimer
March 2014 Volume 31 (3)
"Divine Geometry" by Douglas Roger Dexheimer
"Coming Lunar Tetrads" by Douglas Roger Dexheimer
"Common Core... Again" by Paul Fennern
February 2014 Volume 31 (2)
"Common Core Curriculum Revisited?"
by Douglas Roger Dexheimer
2104 Creation Safaris
"Keep Looking Up Theories...
One Proven, Another Debunked.
(Is This What You Call Global Warming?)"
by Douglas Roger Dexheimer
January 2014 Volume 31 (1)
"'Instant' Erosion" by Douglas Roger Dexheimer
"God Created Music: Fibonacci's Series"
by Douglas Roger Dexheimer
December 2013 Volume 30 (12)
"More Reasons to Reject the Common Core Curriculum"
by Douglas Roger Dexheimer
"Three News Items" by Douglas Roger Dexheimer
November 2013 Volume 30 (11)
"Voyager I Space Provbe in the News"
by Douglas Roger Dexheimer
"Ravens & Doves Still Involved in 'Spying Out the Land'”
by Douglas Roger Dexheimer
"Unchangeing Truth VS. Revised Evolutionary Deception"
by Douglas Roger Dexheimer
October 2013 Volume 30 (10)
"Ancient Human Migration" by Doug Dexheimer
"How to Live Longer, Part III" by Doug Dexheimer
September 2013 Volume 30 (9)
"Creation Trip Report Introduction" by Doug Dexheimer
"Chapter I – The International Conference on Creationism" by Doug Dexheimer
"Chapter II -- Flight Museums in Dayton, Ohio" by Doug Dexheimer
"Chapter III – AIG Museum, Cahokia Mounds" by Doug Dexheimer
"How to Live Longer, Part II" by Doug Dexheimer
August 2013 Volume 30 (8)
"Creation Safari to SE Missouri"
"How to Live Longer Part 1 Introduction" by Doug Dexheimer
"Cloning the Woolly Mammoth" by Doug Dexheimer & Paul Fennern
"Local (Kansas City) Evidence of Rapid Sedimentation"
by Doug Dexheimer & Paul Fennern
July 2013 Volume 30 (7)
"Kansas Adopts 'New Science Curriculum'" By Doug Dexheimer
"Kansas Science Standards What Really Happened? What Does it All Mean?"
by Tom Willis
"History of Castle Rock" By Doug Dexheimer
Letter to the Editor "Wind Farm..."
June 2013 Volume 30 (6)
"Safari Report: Western Kansas Safari 2013" by Doug Dexheimer
"Gypsum Veins in Chalk" by Doug Dexheimer
"Noah’s Long-Distance Travelers"
from an article by John Hergenrather
(Quartzite Boulders
Speak Powerfully of the Global Flood)
"Are We Too Clean for Our Own Good?" by Doug Dexheimer
May 2013 Volume 30 (5)
"Western Kansas Chalk & Fossil Safari" By Doug Dexheimer
"Recent Creation Safari" By Doug Dexheimer
"LReflections on a New Fossil" By Doug Dexheimer
“Size of the Universe” vs. “Biblical References to the Age of the Earth”
By Doug Dexheimer
April 2013 Volume 30 (4)
"Meteorites" 101 By Doug Dexheimer
"The 17th day of the Month" By Doug Dexheimer
March 2013 Volume 30 (3)
"Milestones in History" by Doug Dexheimer
"Implications of Biblical Creation" by Glenn H. Kailer
"SE Kansas Coal and Minerals Safari" Article
February 2013 Volume 30 (2)
"Establishing a National Religion"by Tom Willis (reprint)
Safaris Summary 2013
January 2013 Volume 30 (1)
This is the first issue of the new CSAMA NEWSLETTER. Before going any further, lets take a look at an old article that was published by CSA back in 1993. (Vol 10: (1) Jan/Feb 1993) This was written by Tom Willis. |
CSA News not Published
CSA News not Published
NOTE: CSA News 2010 and earlier are all in the PDF format only.
Feb/Mar 2010 Vol 27 #1
"94% of Youth Leave the Church - Part III - Final" , by Tom Willis
CSA Creation Safaris for 2010 - Summary.
Feb/Mar Meeting Topics
Dec 2009/Jan 2010 Vol 26 #6
"94% of Youth Leave the Church - Part II", by Tom Willis
Dec 2009/Jan2010 Meeting Topics
Oct/Nov 2009, Vol 26 #5
"94% of Youth Leave the Church" by Tom Willis
Oct/Nov Meeting Topics
May/Jun 2009, Vol 26 #3
"The Fruits of Evolution" by Tom Willis
May/June Meeting Topics
Mar/Apr 2009, Vol 26 #2
"CSA Completes 25th Year" by Tom Willis
Creation Safaris in 2009
Camp Genesis - A New Safari in 2009
Mar/Apr Meeting Topics
Jan/Feb 2009, Vol 26 #1
"Education Director of British Royal Society Recommends
Creation in Public Schools" by Tom Willis
Jan/Feb Meeting Topics
Nov/Dec 2008, Vol 25 #6
"The End of the World: How Evolution was Involved" by Tom Willis
Nov/Dec Meeting Topics
Sept/Oct 2008, Vol 25 #5
"Should Evolutionists Be Allowed to Roam Free in the
Land?" by Tom Willis
Sept/Oct Meeting Topics
July/Aug 2008, Vol 25 #4
"Should Evolutionists Be Allowed to Vote?" by Tom Willis
July/Aug Meeting Topics
May/June 2008, Vol 25 #3
"Creation - Evolution: Which is Science, Faith,
Myth? Simple, But True, Answers - Part II" by Tom Willis
May/June Meeting Topics
Mar/Apr 2008, Vol 25 #2
"Creation - Evolution: Which is Science, Faith,
Myth? Simple, But True, Answers" by Tom Willis
Mar/April Meeting Topics
Jan/Feb 2008, Vol 25 #1
"The Star of Bethlehem - What Was It?" by J. Timothy Unruh.
"Evolution, Purpose Driven and the Great Harlot" (A Bibliography for the articles in the two previous issues).
Jan/Feb Meeting Topics
Nov/Dec 2007, Vol 24 #6
"Old Earth, Evolution, Liberalism, Nazism,
Communism, and the Great Harlot The Spiritual & Logical Connections - Part II " by Tom Willis
Oct/Nov Meeting Topics |
Sept/Oct 2007, Vol 24 #5
"Old Earth, Evolution, Liberalism, Nazism,
Communism, and the Great Harlot The Spiritual & Logical Connections - Part I " by Tom Willis
Oct/Nov Meeting Topics
July/Aug 2007, Vol 24 #4 |
"The Age of the Earth - The Longest Myth - Part
VI - The Christian Case for an Old Earth" by Tom
July/Aug Meeting Topics
May/June 2007, Vol 24 #3
"The Age of the Earth - The Longest Myth - Part
V - OK, How Old Is the Earth?" by Tom Willis.
May/June Meeting Topics
Mar/Apr 2007, Vol 24 #2
Creation Safari Schedule Announced for 2007.
"2007 - CSA's 24th Year" - A review of the principle
CSA activities, including: Newsletter, Monthly Meetings, 17 Creation Safaris,
and Seminars for any sized groups.
Jan/Feb 2007, Vol 24 #1
"The Age of the Earth - The Longest Myth - Part IV" by Tom Willis
Nov/Dec 2006, Vol 23 #6
"The Age of the Earth - The Longest Myth - Part III" by Tom Willis
Sept/Oct 2006, Vol 23 #5
"The Age of the Earth - The Longest Myth - Part
II" by Tom Willis
(Note: 1.8 meg download due to important photos in lead article)
July/Aug 2006, Vol 23 #4
"The Age of the Earth - The Longest Myth" by Tom Willis
May/June 2006, Vol 23 #3
"Old Earth, Evolution, Science and the Bible" by Tom Willis
CSA Creation Safaris for 2006
Mar/Apr 2006, Vol 23 #2
"The Bible: Literal, Symbolic, or Pro Choice? Part III" by Tom Willis
(See description of Part I, below.)
Glenn Kailer - R.I.P. One of CSA's most popular speakers died suddenly
of diabetes complications.
Jan/Feb 2006, Vol 23 #1
"The Bible: Literal, Symbolic, or Pro Choice? Part II" by Tom Willis
(See description of Part I, below.) |
Nov/Dec 2005, Vol 22 #6
"The Bible: Literal, Symbolic, or Pro Choice? Part I" by Tom Willis
Is it really worth the expenditure of human resources financing, listening
to, and pretending to believe in, weekly lessons about a book, who's author
is deemed to have written so poorly that every "interpretation"
of the book's meaning is to be treated as equally valid, except the obvious
meaning of the text?
Meeting announcements & CSA Creation Safaris for 2005
Sept/Oct 2005, Vol 22 #5
"Evolution and the End of Civilization Part II," by Tom Willis
More CSA Creation Safaris for 2005
July/Aug 2005, Vol 22 #4
"Evolution and the End of Civilization"
by Tom Willis
May/Jun 2005, Vol 22 #3
"Evolution, Antichrist and The Murder of Terri Schiavo"
by Tom Willis
CSA Creation Safaris for 2005
>Mar/Apr, 2005, Vol 22 #2
"Conversations with Atheists" by Tom Willis
CSA Creation Safaris for 2005
Jan/Feb, 2005, Vol 22, #1
"CSA Completes 21st Year"
in America -- How Should We Then Live?"by Tom Willis
Nov/Dec, 2004, Vol 21, #6
"Fundamentalist Humanism - Are Humanists Really Pro-Choice"?
Sept/Oct, 2004, Vol 21, #5
"Is Creation Relevant? Part III"
Meeting Announcements, Creation Safaris to end of 2004.
July/Aug, 2004, Vol 21, #4
"Is Creation Relevant? Part II"
Meeting Announcements, Creation Safaris for the next three months.
May/Jun, 2004, Vol 21, #3
"Is Creation Relevant? Part I"
Meeting Announcements, Creation Safaris for the next three months.
Mar/ Apr, 2004, Vol 21, #2
"CSA Creation Safaris for 2004 Announced"
"CSA Completes 20th Year"
Jan/Feb, 2004, Vol 21, #
"Highlights of the Fifth International
Conference on Creationism"
Three articles briefly summarizing
three powerful papers giving hard evidence for creation and a young earth.
Article(s) & Announcements
Nov/Dec, 2003, Vol 20, #6
"Roy Holt - RIP"
"Highlights of the Fifth
International Conference on Creationism"
Two key papers reviewed:
"Carbon 14 in multi-million year old artifacts"
mythology of Pseudo-genes"
Sept/Oct, 2003, Vol 20, #5
"The Great Proofs of Evolution: The Fossil Record - Part III" by Tom Willis
July/Aug, 2003, Vol 20, #4
"The Great Proofs of Evolution: The Fossil Record - Part II" by Tom Willis
May/Jun, 2003 Vol 20, #3
"The Great Proofs of Evolution: The
Fossil Record - Part I" by Tom Willis
Mar/April, 2003, Vol 20, #2
Another Great Proof of Evolution: Feathered
Dinosaurs Again... and Again, by Tom Willis
Jan/Feb, 2003, Vol 20, #1
Another Great Proof of Evolution: "Light From Distant Stars - Part II"
"The Bible teaches that the Earth and Cosmos are only a few thousand
years old, but, because we can see light from stars that are billions
of light years away, the stars must be billions of years old. The Bible
is wrong again."
"CSA Begins 20th Year"
"Ohio Joins Kansas as a 'Laughing stock'"
Article(s) & Announcements
Nov/Dec 2002 Vol 19 #6
Another Great Proof of Evolution:
"Light From Distant
Stars - Part I"
Clifford and Barbara Wilson, to be guest
speaker at November 5th meeting, and to conduct seminar, Friday
and Saturday, Nov 1 & 2:
"Genesis in the Light of
Modern Science and Archaeology"
Sept/Oct 2002 Vol 19 #5
Stephen Jay Gould - NRIPEG (No Rest in Peace
for the Enemies of God)
Intelligent Design II -
September, 2002 Meeting
John Mackay, Creation Scientist
from Down Under, to be Guest speaker at the October Meeting as
part of a two-day Seminar Tues and Wed, Oct 1 & 2.
Clifford Wilson, Archaeologist, to be guest
speaker at November 5th meeting, and to conduct seminar, Friday
and Saturday, Nov 1 & 2.
July/Aug 2002 Vol 19 #4
Is Creation Science? - Part IV (Continued
from May June 2002)
Develops four more Laws of Complex
Systems (4 - 8), demonstrating that the basics of Biblical
Creation can be stated as scientific propositions, all of which
have been certified as well as any "Laws of Science."
Therefore, if you claim to accept laws of science, you have no
excuse for rejecting Biblical Creation. Of course, ultimately,
both are believed or rejected by faith.
May/June 2002 Vol 19 #3
Is Creation Science? - Part III (Continued
from Mar/Apr 2002)
Objections to the First Law of Complex
Systems reviewed. Introduction to the 2nd through 7th Laws of
Complex Systems.
Richard Jeffus - In Memorium - Husband,
Father, founder of Visual Manna; friend of God, Man, CSA and
Creation Science; a man of profound intellect, great love and a
gentle spirit. "This is the noblest American I know!"
Mar/Apr 2002 Vol 19 #2
Is Creation Science? - Part II - (Continued
from Jan/Feb 2002)
We define three categories of faith,
contrast evolution versus creation when both are stated as true
scientific propositions.
Family Creation Safaris for 2002:
Schedule Announced. Detail Booklet available on the web site
under "Creation Safaris"
Jan/Feb 2002 Vol 19 #1
Is Creation Science? - Part I
enemies claim "Evolution is science" (and/or "fact")
and everyone but the Bible seems to believe "Creation is
faith." In this series we show that the Bible is (surprise)
again right: Creation is not only science, it is the only science
of origins. But, it is also faith. We begin by reviewing the
definitions of science by Francis Bacon, Isaac Newton, Karl
Popper, and the National Academy of Science. We then propose, al
la Newton, The 1st Law of Complex Systems, and "render
it general".
Article(s) & Announcements
Nov/Dec 2001 Vol 18 #6
More Great Proofs of Evolution - The Proof from Imagination and Fraud
Continues a long series
examining the "logic" and "evidence" of
evolution proofs. The proof from imagined and fabricated
evidence has always been, and remains one of the mainstays of evolution science.
Sept/Oct 2001 Vol 18 #5
More Great Proofs of Evolution - The Proof from CHANGE
Ever heard the claim, "Evolution is
just change, and change is everywhere?" Read how
evolutionists have evolved or changed their story to apply to
every change in the universe. Any change is now considered to be
evolution, even changes that are made by intelligent designers!
July/Aug 2001 Vol 18 #4
More Great Proofs of Evolution - The Proof from Ranking
Have you ever seen a lineup of apes turning
into men, or fish turning into lizards? Have you ever stopped to
consider "How does this provide evidence for evolution?"
You'll recognize the sort of displays that evolutionists rely on
to "prove" their point.
May/June 2001 Vol 18 #3
"The Proof from Homology"
biology textbook in the world has pictures and written claims that
similarity of bones, chemistry, DNA, etc. between men and animals
tells us something about human ancestry. Does it really?
Mar/Apr 2001 Vol 18 #2
Encyclopedia Britannica Facts or Thinly
Disguised Propaganda?
The feature article reviews the
Encyclopedia Britannica's article on salmon, a representative
example of the meaninglessness propagated in the name of evolution
science. Evolution is mentioned frequently, with no evidence
thereof, but Creation "screams" out loudly and clearly
from between the lines of evolutionary drivel.
Jan/Feb 2001 Vol 18 #1
"Creation: Good Tidings for Mankind"
say Christmas is good tidings for mankind. We suggest the entire
Bible is Good News for Man, especially Creation. Read about it in
this issue.
Article(s) & Announcements
Nov/Dec 2000 Vol 17 #6
"Meet the Press
Creation versus Evolutionism in
the Media (and the academic culture) A Scientific Theory"
Kansas Science Standards bruhaha generated much media interest in
the Creation Science Association for Mid America. Our officers
have been interviewed extensively by reporters worldwide.
Sept/Oct 2000 Vol 17 #5
"Kansas Science Standards What Really
Happened? What Does it All Mean?"
The inside story of the Kansas Science Standard Scenario from our point of view.
July/Aug 2000 Vol 17 #4
More Great Proofs of Evolution
"The Laws of Cause and Effect, and the 1st and 2nd Laws of Thermodynamics have
been invalidated by modern science - Part 4"
May/June 2000 Vol 17 #3
More Great Proofs of Evolution
"The Laws of
Cause and Effect, and the 1st and 2nd Laws of Thermodynamics have
been invalidated by modern science Part 3"
Mar/Apr 2000 Vol 17 #2
More Great Proofs of Evolution
"The Laws of
Cause and Effect, and the 1st and 2nd Laws of Thermodynamics have
been invalidated by modern science - Part 2" |
Jan/Feb 2000 Vol 17 #1
More Great Proofs of Evolution
"The Laws of
Cause and Effect, and the 1st and 2nd Laws of Thermodynamics have
been invalidated by modern science - Part 1"
1998 Issues
Article(s) & Announcements
Nov/Dec 1998 Vol 15 #6
"China's Feathered Dinosaurs -- Proof! (of evolution)"
China, long a source of fraudulent fossils now provides a new "proof"
of evolution almost quarterly.
Oct 1998 Vol 15 #5
The 4th International Conference on Creationism
"A New Foundation for Modern Science"
Neanderthal Explained....
July/Sept 1998 Vol 15 #4
Humanism Still.... Deism, Atheism, and Evolution vs Christianity and Fundamentalism
May/June 1998 Vol 15 #3
Science, Faith and Myth
Mar/Apr 1998 Vol 15 #2
Evolution: Science or Imagination?
Dinosaur Error
- Jan/Feb 1998 Vol 15 #1
Deism Again - What Do Hugh Ross, Michael Behe, Phillip Johnson
and Their Supporters Have In Common?
1995 Issues
Article(s) & Announcements
Nov/Dec 1995 Vol 12 #6
The "Mark of the Beast" Now Offered in Metro Schools
Sept/Oct 1995 Vol 12 #5
What is Science? -- How Does It Apply To Origins?
Evolutionists love
to declare their faith about the past to be "science", but belief
in creation is, of course, religion. Let's think about it.
July/Aug 1995 Vol 12 #4
The Stuff That Dreams Are Made Of
Easter Week and Biblical Creation
May/June 1995 Vol 12 #3
Science and the New Age
Evolvo-Think Daily Bleat
Mar/Apr 1995 Vol 12 #2
Pine Trees - Extinct 150 Million Years ... In Australia
Jan/Feb 1995 Vol 12 #1
CSA Completes Eleventh Year
Real Scientist Just Say "NO"! - Book Review
Report from Glenn Kailer
The Four Basic Questions Of Life
Quotable Quotes & A Sign of the Times
1994 Issue
Article(s) & Announcements
Nov/Dec 1994 Vol 11 #6
A New Perspective on Stratigraphy
Another 'Missing Link'?
Sept/Oct 1994 Vol 11 #5
Can Sedimentary Rocks Tell Time? The central proof of an old earth
and cosmos is neither radiometric dating nor the Big Bang. Rather,
the only proof evolutionists truly cling to is fossils in
sedimentary rock. Do their claims hang together?
Book of the Month with Review by Glenn Kailer
July/Aug 1994, Vol 11 #4
Teaspoonocine Morphological Development
May/June 1994, Vol 11 #3
The Post Flood Britons |
Mar/Apr 1994, Vol 11 #2
Anglo-Saxon Dinosaurs
Feel-Good Knowing
Is Creation Relevant (short article by Glenn Kailer)
San Francisco State University Fires, Reinstates,...
The Blind Watchmaker or Ain't Evolution Wunnerful
Jan/Feb 1994, Vol 11 #1
How Important Is Creation?
A Field Report from Glenn Kailer
Humanists Are Worried (About Creation)
1993 Issues
Article(s) & Announcements
Nov/Dec 1993, Vol 10 #6
CSA 1993 In Review
Book Review on Biblical Creationism
Sept/Oct 1993, Vol 10 #5
No articles were printed in this Issue -- only Meeting Announcements & "Specials"
Jul/Aug 1993, Vol 10 #4
Is Catastrophism Extinct?
One of the largest geologic features in North
America is now universally agreed to be the one day work of a catastrophic
rupture of a natural dam formed during the Ice Age.
May/June 1993, Vol 10 #3
Can Animals Think?
Creation Safari Report
Mar/Apr 1993, Vol 10 #2
CSA Creation Safaris for 1993
Quotable Quotes
Meeting Announcements & Quotable Quotes on insert (pages 5 & 6)
Jan/Feb 1993, Vol 10 #1
Quo Vadis America? ... CSA? Reflections:
CSA 1993 - Our Tenth Yea
A Field Report from Glenn Kailer
Bert Wagoner Strikes Again
1992 Issues
Article(s) & Announcements
Dec 1992, Vol 9, #6
CSA 1992 In Review
Creation Safari Report
CSA Prayer Requests
Oct/Nov 1992, Vol 9 #5
CSA Creation Safaris - First Hand Creation Science (article)
July-Sept 1992, Vol 9, #4
Implications of Biblical Creation
Isaac Asimov - RIP
May/June 1992, Vol 9, #3
Mythbuster Series #4:
"Biblical Metaphors,
and Religious Mythology"
Report from HaHa Tonka
News Brief: Why Johnny Can't Read
Mar/Apr 1992, Vol 9, #2
Is Creationism A Culture?
Mythbuster #5: Uniformitarian Geology
Jan/Feb 1992, Vol 9, #1
"A Brief Review of CSA's 1991
Mensa Convention Mini-Report" - by Tom Willis
"A Mini-Report" by Glenn Kailer
Copyright: © 2025 by Creation Science Association for Mid-America (CSAMA)
Organization: The Creation Science Association For Mid-America
Copyright & Disclaimer Notice
Sunday - 02/16/2025