The Creation Science Association for Mid America is based in the Kansas City, Missouri, USA Metropolitan area, at the border between Missouri (on the east) and Kansas (on the west). We are surrounded by evidence of Biblical Creation, in every direction within a few hours drive. This brief discussion may not suffice to convince the skeptic, but it should give you a good idea what you will see and learn on CSA Creation Safaris. We will briefly mention thick sedimentary rock beds, coal beds, sedimentary mountains, fossil beds, famous Kansas chalk beds and enormous salt deposits, glacial activity, Loess Soil all over northern Missouri, and large granite formations in SE Missouri. To see and discuss this evidence with your family and friends, join some CSA Creation Safaris this year. Below are listed just a few highlights. Much more evidence exists, and much more is seen and discussed on a CSA Creation Safaris.
Coal beds: Southwest of Kansas City lies the Kansas Coal beds (actually all of Missouri overlies huge coal beds which are too deep to be economically competitive at present). Coal consists of enormous deposits of trees mixed with clays. Laboratory experiments have repeatedly demonstrated that these materials are transformed to coal in less than a year when heated slightly in the absence of oxygen. Modern peat beds tend to contain no clays, but coal has it homogeneously sprinkled throughout, indicating continuous volcanic activity during deposition. Many fossil species found in coal (such as Pine trees) prove it was never a swamp as popular theory requires. This, and much other evidence, clearly indicates coal materials were not formed in place, but were transported to the site by water. There is so much of this material that only a tremendously large water catastrophe could have been the agent that transported and deposited these materials. Only one historical event can possibly explain these deposits, the Genesis Flood. Since coal is found throughout the fossil-bearing "geologic column," and since trees rot in about 20 years, guess what this evidence tells you about the maximum time in the "geologic column." Would you guess "500 million years" or "less than 20 years"? (South East KS Fossils and Mineral Safari ) (We also visit and climb "Big Brutus," the second largest electric shovel in the world)
Bethany Limestone. Some of the thickest beds of Bethany Limestone are found just below the surface of metropolitan Kansas City, which has become the center of underground storage, and underground manufacturing in the USA, and probably in the entire world. Vast passages have been mined out of the limestone of this area. Once believed to have required millions of years of deposition, it has been shown that the calcium found in limestone can come from hydrothermal springs and that the populations of some tiny marine creatures literally "explode" in conditions involving violent storms, high mineral concentration and "pollution", a concise description of Genesis Flood conditions.
Furthermore, using the latest geologic hydraulic modeling, geologist Steven Austin has demonstrated that the famous Redwall Limestone of Grand Canyon (and beyond), had to have been deposited in about one day. His research made him somewhat famous in that he was the first of at least a thousand geologists who have studied the Redwall to discover a mass kill/burial of over a billion nautiloids in the Redwall Limestone. Furthermore, if you were on a jury and saw billions of large nautiloids (average nearly 3 feet long) buried, 15% standing on the point of their shell, and learned that hydraulic modeling required it all be deposited in a day, would you vote that the deposition and mass kill took 30 million years? The Bethany Limestone around Kansas City contains some of the same evidence as the Redwall of Grand Canyon. (Greater KC Fossil Hunt)
Fossils. Many fossils are exposed in the numerous road cuts that occur where a road or highway cuts through hillsides near Kansas City. Fossil beds are never observed forming in present processes, and fossils clearly require rapid burial and solidification of surrounding material in order to preserve the creatures. Therefore each of these road cuts are full of evidence that the rock strata were all deposited rapidly. (Greater KC Fossil Hunt)
The Ice Age. The Missouri River flows easterly from Kansas City to join the Mississippi River, just north of St. Louis, on the east edge of Missouri. The ice sheets that pushed down from the north advanced as far as this river. There are many evidences of glacial till to the north of the Missouri River, very few are found to the south. An ice age requires a warm ocean to produce the evaporation, to cause the snowfall, to produce the glaciers. Unfortunately for all old-earth theories, there seems to be no way to warm the ocean or to keep it warm for more than a few hundred years. The pre-flood environment hinted at in the Bible, a rapid, catastrophic flood accompanied by 25,000 miles of the "fountains of the great deep" and by thousands of active volcanoes not only provides the raw material to produce enormous layers of sedimentary rock with mineralized creatures therein, but it produces a very warm ocean, volcanic dust hides the sun and produces an "ice age" lasting only about 500 years. The "ice age" was not bitterly cold, but was accompanied by enormous volumes of precipitation in a cooler climate. There were years where hundreds of feet of snow fell, and the summers were too short to melt much of it, so it melted slightly and compacted into ice sheets. (Greater KC Fossil Hunt)
Missouri - "The Cave State" - over 5000 caves! The area to the south of the Missouri River, in south central Missouri, is world famous for its outstanding examples of Karst topography - Caves, underground rivers, springs, sinkholes (collapsed caves) and natural bridges (partially collapsed caves). The Karst topography is only located south of the Missouri River, while the ice sheets stopped near the river. In other words, there seems to be a relationship between nearby ice sheets and Missouri Karst. Popular theory holds that Karst and caves were formed by rain water absorbing carbon dioxide from bacteria as they decompose organic matter, thus the water becomes slightly acid. We show that this popular theory is seriously flawed. First, field and laboratory experiments (many in Europe) have clearly demonstrated that acidic water inserted at the surface loses its acidity long before it can penetrate deeply. Acid inserted from the surface tends to eat rock laterally, not down. But thousands of caves go very deep, and countless caves are literally vertical shafts. Both are impossible in popular theory! While the nearness of the Ice Sheet seems to have been a partial cause of the "decoration" of Missouri caves, and some of the small Karst features, the primary cause of Karst was "the fountains of the great deep" (Genesis 7:11 - 8:2). Superheated (above the boiling point) water is also a "super solvent"! Such hydrothermal vents (the popular term today) would both dissolve and erode limestone and dolomite rocks in short order. The largest caves in the American southwest could easily have formed in weeks! We also show that "decoration" of these caves with stalagmites, etc. probably took less than 100 years. Check out the articles in our back newsletters and meeting tapes in our Lending Library for more details on this theory. (HaHa Tonka Safari) (South East MO Safari)
Igneous Rock of Southeast Missouri is quite different from that of the Karst area in the center of the state. The igneous rock that makes up Taum Sauk Mountain is popularly believed to be some of the oldest rock in Missouri (over a billion years), and is also at the highest elevation in the state. These granites and rhyolites are popularly touted as "proof" of millions of years of cooling by thermal conduction. However, it has recently been shown that granites are laced with cracks that show evidence of water passage. Thus, convection, not conduction, was the primary cooling method, dropping the cooling time to a few hundred years. Since these granites intrude into Flood strata, it is obvious that, at least many of them, formed during the Genesis Flood which produced enough geologic violence to release great quantities of magma. (South East MO Safari)
Iron and Other Ores. There were many mining operations in SE Missouri and much ore remains. Possibly the largest and richest iron ore deposit in the world is at Pea Ridge in SE Missouri (About 1200 feet down. Again, too deep to be currently competitive). Major ore deposits are found in areas made up of igneous rock. This evidence points to previous volcanic activity in the area in the not too distant past. Popular theory falls short of a good explanation of these ore deposits, but Flood Geology and Catastrophic Plate Tectonics of modern creation theory, accompanied by countless "fountains of the great deep" provide a simple, straightforward explanation of ore deposits among granites. The ores were brought up by the hot fountains and deposited quickly as the waters mixed with cool surface water and air. Cracks in the hot lava (future-granites) provided pathways for water to be ejected skyward to enormous heights. Much heat was radiated to space, minerals fell as small particles to mix with surface soils, the water returned as voluminous quantities of rain, snow and ice. Cooler climate due to all the volcanic ash in the upper atmosphere, blocking the sun, prevented complete snow melt during shorter summers... thus, an Ice Age. (South East MO Safari)
Catastrophic Tectonic Activity. Not far away is the New Madrid (SE Missouri) Fault line, along the Mississippi River. This is supposedly some of the "youngest rock" in the Midwest, and is at a much lower elevation than the top of Taum Sauk Mountain (the "oldest rock in Missouri"). We are quite convinced that geologic plates formed and moved to their present location in far less than a single year, during the Genesis Flood. This has been numerically modeled. It is not just "possible," but the most reasonable explanation.
Viking Activity in Missouri. Kansas City lies at the edge of the area that was once explored by Vikings who came down from the north, through Hudson Bay. At that time, the northern Midwest was much lower in elevation, probably close to sea level. The Vikings left evidence of their explorations when and where ever they tied up their long boats. Numerous Viking mooring stones have been discovered in Minnesota, Western Iowa, and as far south as Joplin Missouri. These are identical to Viking mooring stones that can be found along the Scandinavian and European coasts and inland rivers where the Vikings traveled and left their mark. Some of the Vikings left inscriptions chiseled in stone using runic writing, and even dated their visits to the second millennium of the "Year of our LORD." Since the ice sheets have receded and melted, the land of the upper Midwest has bounced back up, i.e., it has risen in elevation, so that it is no longer at sea level. (Greater KC Fossil Hunt)
KU Natural History Museum - Lawrence, Kansas is about 40 miles west of the Kansas City area. Fossilized remains of extinct creatures are on display for all to see. The fossils are undeniable. The museum curators have assigned dates to the fossils in millions of years, which are based on the guesswork of Lyell, who made his guesses over 150 years ago, supposedly based on how long he thought it would take the different beds of rock to accumulate. The dating of Lyell and other evolutionary geologists, which was based on a uniformitarian model of geology has been disproved by contemporary scientists, but the bogus Lyell dating has endured, even in the light of the new concept of punctuated equilibrium. A tour of this museum on a CSA Creation Safari leaves little doubt that it contains evidence for neither millions of years, nor evolution. (KU Natural History Museum)
Hutchinson, Kansas, is sitting on vast deposits of solid rock salt. This salt is being mined today for modern use. The popular story of salt formation is that it evaporated from tidal pools in ancient seas. But Kansas deposits and others around the world are too vast and too pure to be explained by evaporation. It is now known that superheated water from deep in the earth is a super solvent. It will dissolve almost anything, but when it cools it drops most of its mineral load instantly. Evidence of rapid salt formation includes huge salt domes in various places, including Mississippi, which could not have been formed by evaporation, but were undoubtedly created by enormous fountains of the great deep ejecting heavily mineralized water. Rapid formation is also obvious due to lack of fossils, and purity of the salt. If formation took millions of years, the salt would contain many fossils and impurities.
Kansas Chalk: Western Kansas is known as the High Prairie, or High Plains. Today the area around Hays and Oakley, Kansas is known for chalk beds that contain fossilized remains of fish, and other sea creatures. The famous "fish-in-a-fish" fossil is currently on display in the Sternberg Museum, in Hays, Kansas. (Click on this small graphic to see the larger image.) Chalk was once considered a "proof " of millions of years, but it has now been shown that conditions described in the Genesis Flood could have produced all the small critters found in the world's chalk formations in as little as 2.5 days! Fossilization of very large creatures in the chalk is further evidence of catastrophic deposition of the chalk. (Western Kansas Safari)
In Oakley, Kansas, the Ficke Museum is home to many fossil fish and myriad shark's teeth in their permanent exhibits. The fossils were found in chalk deposits in that area, on either side of the Smoky Hills River Valley. CSA Safaris to the Western Kansas Chalk beds are a highlight of the year. We visit Castle Rock, Wildcat Canyon and Monument Rocks. Large, picturesque chalk "pyramids" and other chalk formations of western Kansas give ample testimony to their brief history. In the short span of less than a century, the most famous of these has deteriorated by about 50%!(Western Kansas Safari).
Biology of Kansas and Missouri is, as the Bible plainly asserts in Romans 1:18 - 25, loaded with the "evidence of God's eternal power and deity... so they are without excuse... professing themselves wise, they became fools." Some simple examples:
To view and discuss this evidence yourself and with your family, friends or other group... Join us on a Creation Safaris or at a CSA Monthly Meeting!
Sunday - 02/16/2025