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The Creation Science Association
for Mid-America




The Creation Science Association for Mid-America

Sorted from most recent to oldest.





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2013-12-31 2013 Monthly Meetings

2013 Monthly Meetings

1st Tuesday of the Month

(Subject to change slightly)
  • January 8 - “Already Compromised - Part III” - by Ken Ham Presented by Bob Farwell
  • February 5 - Moody Science DVD “Seeds, The Journey of Life” presented by Douglas Roger Dexheimer
    The video can be found on You tube:
  • March 5 - Feasibility of Noah's Ark  presented by Kevin Anderson
  • April 2 -The Scientific and Logical Real Proofs of Creation vs The Scientifically Shallow, Unsound Proofs of Evolution
    by Tom Willis
  • May 7 - The Scientific and Logical Real Proofs of Creation vs The Scientifically Shallow, Unsound Proofs of Evolution Part II
    by Tom Willis
  • June 4 - Vestigial Organs by Bob Farwell
  • July 2 - Origin of Life by Kevin Anderson
  • August 6 - “The Great Debate” DVD  Part I presented by Bob Farwell
  • September 3 - “The Great Debate” DVD Part II presented by Bob Farwell
  • October 1 - “The Great Debate” DVD Part III presented by Bob Farwell
  • November 5 - Cave Formation, & Mineral Placement Bob Farwell, Douglas Roger Dexheimer, and Kevin Anderson
  • December 2 - “The Star of Bethlehem” DVD presented  by Bob Farwell

CSA Monthly Meeting Location

Westbrooke Church
9777 Antioch
Overland Park, KS 66121
10 blocks east of 69 Highway (or Switzer) on 95th St. to Antioch, south two blocks on Antioch, on east side of street.
Fellowship & book table: 6:15PM - Meeting: 7:00PM

2013-12-31 2013 Safaris

2013 Safaris


 April 12 - Astronomy

April 13 - South East Kansas Fossils and Mineral

May 10 - Astronomy

May 25 - 27 - Western Kansas

June 8 - Photo

June 20-22 - A Float Trip Down the North Fork of the Black River

June 29 - Astronomy

July 20 - Kansas University Natural History Museum

Not Scheduled - Rock Bridge / Connor’s Cave

July 27 - Astronomy

August 9 - Astronomy

August 17 - Greater KC Fossil Hunt

Aug. 31 - Sept. 3 - Southeast MO

Not Scheduled - Safari Zoological Park Caney KS

September 6 - Astronomy

October 18 -19 Ha Ha Tonka

Not Scheduled KATY Bike Trail

October 4 - Astronomy

November 1 - Astronomy

December 7 - Squaw Creek National Wildlife Refuge Safari Eagle Days


Several Creation Safaris are returning again this year. We will not be having the usual spring safari to Ha Ha Tonka. Watch for it in the fall. We will not be having the Camp Genesis safari, because we are bringing back the Greater Kansas City Fossil Hunt and will repeat the safari to the Safari Zoological Park in Caney, KS (see below for more details). We are modifying our first safari to SE KS for a return visit to Joplin Mineral Museum. A new safari last year, a photo safari to learn how to appreciate and photograph God’s wonderful creation, was successful, so we will try it again.

2013-12-30 Rock Bridge / Connor’s Cave Safari

Not Scheduled for 2013

Rock Bridge / Connor’s Cave Safari


This is a day trip to Rock Bridge Memorial State Park for a walk though karst topography. We see many karst features such as a rock bridge, a spring, sink holes, and a cave window. We will explore the unlit and wild Connor’s Cave. It is not very deep but you get far enough in to get past the twilight zone.

2013-12-30 Safari Zoological Park Caney KS

Not Scheduled for 2013 

Safari Zoological Park Caney KS


There are zoos that are closer, but you have to deal with the crowds, and the animals are difficult to see. This zoological park may have a limited selection but you get a guided tour and the animals come up close so you can see them. Lions, tigers and bears oh my, plus leopards, baboons, lemurs, macaques, an alligator, and more. Our tour will have  a creation perspective of the awesome diversity of God’s creation. We will also try to throw in some fossil, and maybe some mineral hunting while on the way down.


Not Scheduled for 2013

KATY Bike Trail Safari


Come ride along with us on the KATY bike trail. It’s on an old railway grade between the bluffs and the Missouri river, so it is suitable for the whole family. You can bring your own bikes or rent them at the trail head.

2013-12-07 Squaw Creek National Wildlife Refuge Safari

Squaw Creek National Wildlife Refuge 

Eagle Days Safari



Depending on the weather, we’ll see 400,000 snow geese and 124 bald eagles, along with ducks, herons, and trumpeter swans. A bird lover's paradise, although it can get quite cold, it is well worth bundling up for. We fossil hunt on the way and discuss the ice age loess soil. We also discuss migration patterns and the dinosaur-to-bird evolution story.

2013-12-02 7:00 PM December CSA Monthly Meeting

December CSA Monthly Meeting

December 2


The Star of Bethlehem, DVD

Presented by Bob Farwell


For centuries, skeptics and seekers alike have pondered the star of Bethlehem. The Bible describes unusual or even impossible astronomical events at Christ's birth. Was it a miracle or mere myth? This compelling DVD - from producer Stephen McEveety ("The Passion of the Christ") - examines Scripture, ancient writings, indisputable astronomical facts and more. Learn nine specific features of the star recorded in the Gospel of Matthew, how it established a date for Jesus' birth and death . . . and its significance for you today!

2013-11-05 7:00 PM November CSA Monthly Meeting

November Monthly Meeting

Tuesday November 5th, 2013

Karst, Missouri Caves, and Mineral Placement

by Bob Farwell, Douglas Roger Dexheimer, and Kevin Anderson


Many types of topography are commonly associated with the term karst. The word itself comes from the Adriatic coastal region of Slovenia where this specific type of landform is featured prominently in the landscape. Karst is considered to be any terrain based on a layer of soluble bedrock, usually (though not always) of carbonate rocks. In the American Midwest, karst is mostly found on a base of limestones (calcium carbonate) and dolomites (magnesium calcium carbonate.)  This aspect of karst will be the subject of Bob Farwell’s presentation.

The karst observed in the Missouri Ozarks is considered to be of a near-textbook type.  It is characterized by well-eroded rolling hills, deep hollows, springs, caves, sinkholes, “losing streams,” natural bridges, and tunnels. Established science tells us that Karst forms when rainwater picks up carbon dioxide from the air and dead plant debris in the soil, which then percolates down through cracks in the rock, dissolving the rock.  Some creationists, however, believe that karst formations are the result of sulfuric acid welling up from below, instead of carbonic acid percolating down from above. Some areas of the American West contain karst features that appear to have been formed by a mixture of both processes.

The major difference between the above “old-earth” view, and the creationist’s view, is the time required to form the structures.  Many creationists do NOT believe that the process was slow, occurring over eons of time.  We believe, instead, that a major portion of the processes occurred at the time of Noah's Flood, when “the fountains of the deep BURST FORTH,” as recorded in Genesis 7.  This process will be explored by Kevin Anderson in his presentation.

Metallic ores are generally found in igneous rocks, such as those found in northern Minnesota, the Rocky Mountains, and the volcanic region of southeast Missouri.  Mineral placement in some sedimentary rock in the Midwest is different, however.  We believe that such minerals were deposited in newly-laid sedimentary rock during, and shortly after Noah's Flood.  The metallic ores found in sedimentary rock resulted from the action of geothermal hot springs.  Douglas Roger Dexheimer’s presentation will address this proposed process.

2013-11-01 7:15 PM Astronomy Safari

Astronomy Safari

November 1

Friday 7:15 pm


Astronomy Safaris are held (weather permitting) at The Berry Patch, 22509 State Line Road. Each Astronomy Safari consists of an inspiring slide seminar followed by a tour of the heavens using tracking telescopes and binoculars. Don't wait to see if the weather will permit; sign up and we will contact you if it will be cancelled.

2013-10-19 9 AM - 5 PM Ha Ha Tonka Safari


Ha Ha Tonka Safari

October 19



Meet at park headquarters on Hwy D (just west of Camdenton on Hwy 54).  We suggest you bring a sack lunch.  Saturday morning we visit the Karst (caves, sink holes, rock bridges) topography of Ha Ha Tonka State Park around Camdenton, MO and later, Jacob’s Cave.
2013-10-04 7:15 PM Astronomy Safari

Astronomy Safari

October 4

Friday 7:15 pm


Astronomy Safaris are held (weather permitting) at The Berry Patch, 22509 State Line Road. Each Astronomy Safari consists of an inspiring slide seminar followed by a tour of the heavens using tracking telescopes and binoculars. Don't wait to see if the weather will permit; sign up and we will contact you if it will be cancelled.

2013-10-01 7:00 PM October CSA Monthly Meeting

October CSA Monthly Meeting

October 1


“The Great Debate” DVD Part III


Ken Ham, AiG president, is perhaps the most widely recognized creation-apologist in the world today. Ken Ham and AiG astrophysicist Dr. Jason Lisle engage Drs. Hugh Ross (Reasons to Believe) and Walt Kaiser (president of Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary), both of whom are proponents of an old earth, no-global-flood view of Bible interpretation. In this eye-opening debate, well-mannered disagreement is punctuated by intriguing confrontations as these four Christian leaders communicate their views. Ham and Lisle implore Ross and Kaiser to accept the Genesis account of history as written, while Ross and Kaiser argue for their view that the first chapters of Genesis are more symbolism than history.

2013-09-06 7:45 PM Astronomy Safari

Astronomy Safari

September 6

Friday 7:45 pm


Astronomy Safaris are held (weather permitting) at The Berry Patch, 22509 State Line Road. Each Astronomy Safari consists of an inspiring slide seminar followed by a tour of the heavens using tracking telescopes and binoculars. Don't wait to see if the weather will permit; sign up and we will contact you if it will be cancelled.

2013-09-03 7:00 PM September CSA Monthly Meeting

September CSA Monthly Meeting

September 3


“The Great Debate” DVD Part 2


Ken Ham, AiG president, is perhaps the most widely recognized creation-apologist in the world today. Ken Ham and AiG astrophysicist Dr. Jason Lisle engage Drs. Hugh Ross (Reasons to Believe) and Walt Kaiser (president of Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary), both of whom are proponents of an old earth, no-global-flood view of Bible interpretation. In this eye-opening debate, well-mannered disagreement is punctuated by intriguing confrontations as these four Christian leaders communicate their views. Ham and Lisle implore Ross and Kaiser to accept the Genesis account of history as written, while Ross and Kaiser argue for their view that the first chapters of Genesis are more symbolism than history.

2013-08-31 Southeast MO Safari

Southeast MO Safari

August 31 - September 3

Saturday - Tuesday


Over Labor Day weekend – three days of exploring Missouri’s volcanic past. We swim and play in chutes carved into volcanic ash rock at Johnson’s Shut-ins, explore a huge granite pluton with strange and fanciful boulders at Elephant Rocks State Park, climb up a mountain to see the Devils Post Pile, visit an old silver mine for mineral samples, camp, and have discussions and fellowship.

2013-08-17 Greater KC Fossil Hunt

Greater KC Fossil Hunt

August 17



We visit many of Kansas City’s fossil sites and bring home lots of fossils and a respect for the Biblical flood.

2013-08-09 8:45 PM Astronomy Safari

Astronomy Safari

August 9

Saturday 8:45 pm


Astronomy Safaris are held (weather permitting) at The Berry Patch, 22509 State Line Road. Each Astronomy Safari consists of an inspiring slide seminar followed by a tour of the heavens using tracking telescopes and binoculars. Don't wait to see if the weather will permit; sign up and we will contact you if it will be cancelled.

2013-08-06 7:00 PM August CSA Monthly Meeting

August CSA Monthly Meeting

August 6


“The Great Debate” DVD Part 1


Ken Ham, AiG president, is perhaps the most widely recognized creation-apologist in the world today. Ken Ham and AiG astrophysicist Dr. Jason Lisle engage Drs. Hugh Ross (Reasons to Believe) and Walt Kaiser (president of Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary), both of whom are proponents of an old earth, no-global-flood view of Bible interpretation. In this eye-opening debate, well-mannered disagreement is punctuated by intriguing confrontations as these four Christian leaders communicate their views. Ham and Lisle implore Ross and Kaiser to accept the Genesis account of history as written, while Ross and Kaiser argue for their view that the first chapters of Genesis are more symbolism than history.

2013-07-27 8:45 PM Astronomy Safari

Astronomy Safari

July 27

Saturay 8:45 PM


Astronomy Safaris are held (weather permitting) at The Berry Patch, 22509 State Line Road. Each Astronomy Safari consists of an inspiring slide seminar followed by a tour of the heavens using tracking telescopes and binoculars. Don't wait to see if the weather will permit; sign up and we will contact you if it will be cancelled.

2013-07-20 Kansas University Natural History Museum Safari

Kansas University

Natural History Museum Safari

July 20



This very popular safari is back; last year we did it three times. Again we will go into evolution's cathedral to unmask its misleading displays and show that the same evidence better supports creation. We also fossil hunt on the way there, so that you can have some evidence of your own.

2013-07-02 7:00 PM July CSA Monthly Meeting

July CSA Monthly Meeting

July 2


“Origin of Life”

by Kevin Anderson


In Darwin's day, it was thought that living cells were simple, making it easier to imagine that cells were built up through long, slow, gradual, natural processes. Today, as we are able to delve further into the details of even the simplest of living cells, we are finding that they are not simple at all, but extremely complex, with many “all-or-nothing” systems that characterize cellular functions and cannot be the result of such gradualism. A half-developed system, which is needed for cellular function, would do a cell no good at all along its evolutionary development and this defies a naturalistic origin. We will also discuss the nature of the information stored in the structure of the DNA molecule, as well as the obviously divine "Sender" of that information.

2013-06-29 8:45 PM Astronomy Safari

Astronomy Safari

June 29



Astronomy Safaris are held (weather permitting) at The Berry Patch, 22509 State Line Road. Each Astronomy Safari consists of an inspiring slide seminar followed by a tour of the heavens using tracking telescopes and binoculars. Don't wait to see if the weather will permit; sign up and we will contact you if it will be cancelled.

2013-06-20 A Float Trip Down the North Fork


A Float Trip Down the North Fork of the Black River

June 20-22

Thursday - Saturday


A beautiful river  will provide family fun, fishing, and fellowship. By getting there on Thursday and floating on Friday we miss most of the noisy groups, which makes for better fishing.

2013-06-08 Photo Safari

Photo Safari

June 8



Bring your digital camera and learn how to take better photos. We will also offer helpful tips on how to appreciate God’s wonderful creation so you can use the photos you get to tell others.

2013-06-04 7:00 PM CSA Monthly Meeting

June CSA Monthly Meeting

June 4


Vestiges and Recapitulation

Did God Mess Up?

by Bob Farwell


>Public school textbooks use the notions of vestigial organs, and recapitulation, as evidences for evolution.  Supposedly by around 1900, researchers had compiled a list of vestigial organs totaling about 180, and this was considered one of the strongest arguments in support of evolution for well over a century.  Among these supposedly “useless/functionless” organs were: the vermiform appendix, ear muscles, tonsils and adenoids, the pineal gland, the coccyx (“tailbone?”), the thymus gland, and the nictitating membrane of the eyes.  However, medical research has since discovered that each of these organs does indeed have some function during the life of a human.  True science once again trumps evolution -- “the fairy tale for grownups”!

2013-05-25 Western Kansas Safari

Western Kansas Safari

May 25 - 27

Saturday - Monday


A three day Memorial Day weekend trip will start in the grand canyon of KS in Manhattan, and then proceed to central KS to fence post rock country for a visit to an ash fall site, and clam fossil sites. The next two days we will explore the Niobrara chalk country for clams, sharks' teeth, fish fossils, and maybe a mosasuar. The chalk monuments are also very pretty, and make for some stunning photos.

2013-05-10 8:30 PM Astronomy Safari

Astronomy Safari

May 10



Astronomy Safaris are held (weather permitting) at The Berry Patch, 22509 State Line Road. Each Astronomy Safari consists of an inspiring slide seminar followed by a tour of the heavens using tracking telescopes and binoculars. Don't wait to see if the weather will permit; sign up and we will contact you if it will be cancelled.

2013-05-07 7:00 PM May CSA Monthly Meeting

May CSA Monthly Meeting

May 7



The Scientific and Logical Real Proofs of Creation
The Scientifically Shallow,

Unsound "Proofs of Evolution"
Part II

by Tom Willis


It cannot be overstated that the textbook proofs of evolution  presented in high school and college classrooms and textbooks are all contrary to real scientific knowledge and experiments. Thus,  all such proofs are not science, but anti-science.  There is no real scientific evidence which favors, much less proves, evolution.  Among  other things, this presentation will show that all textbook, classroom,  and TV "proofs of evolution" are false.

Conversely, real scientific evidence clearly and, as close as "science"  can come to real proof, manifestly supports and/or proves that ALL matter, ALL life, and ALL of the specific "kinds" of life (typically, but wrongly referred to as "species"), were created by a non-material, supremely intelligent, living,  powerful agent that we humans refer to as "God."

2013-04-13 South East Kansas Fossils and Mineral Safari

Southeast Kansas Fossils


Mineral Safari

April 13



A day trip to Galena KS for a mineral hunt and fossil hunting on the way, along with discussions of coal and fossil formation. We will end up at the Joplin Mineral and mining museum.

2013-04-12 8:00 PM Astronomy Safari

Astronomy Safari

April 12



Astronomy Safaris are held (weather permitting) at The Berry Patch, 22509 State Line Road. Each Astronomy Safari consists of an inspiring slide seminar followed by a tour of the heavens using tracking telescopes and binoculars. Don't wait to see if the weather will permit; sign up and we will contact you if it will be cancelled.

2013-04-02 7:00 PM April CSA Monthly Meeting

April CSA Monthly Meeting

April 2



The Scientific and Logical
Real Proofs of Creation
The Scientifically Shallow,
Unsound "Proofs of Evolution"

by Tom Willis


It cannot be overstated that the textbook proofs of evolution  presented in high school and college classrooms and textbooks are all contrary to real scientific knowledge and experiments. Thus,  all such proofs are not science, but anti-science.  There is no real scientific evidence which favors, much less proves, evolution.  Among  other things, this presentation will show that all textbook, classroom,  and TV "proofs of evolution" are false.

Conversely, real scientific evidence clearly and, as close as "science"  can come to real proof, manifestly supports and/or proves that ALL matter, ALL life, and ALL of the specific "kinds" of life (typically, but wrongly referred to as "species"), were created by a non-material, supremely intelligent, living,  powerful agent that we humans refer to as "God."

2013-03-29 10:00 AM Dinosaurs and Creation Science

Dinosaurs and Creation Science

March 29

by Tom Willis


Come and hear about God's amazing creation, do a dinosaur art project, and get close to some awesome friendly reptiles including a boa constrictor, a corn snake, a ball python, a milk snake, a Kenyan sand boa, a leopard gecko, a blue-tongued skink, 2 Russian tortoises, and a bearded dragon. Come and hear about God's amazing creation, do a dinosaur art project, and get close to some awesome reptiles! Come to the Berry Patch on March 29 at 10:00 for a presentation on Dinosaurs by Tom Willis, a dinosaur art lesson, and most importantly "Adam's Animals." "Adam's Animals" is a wonderful presentation about God's creation, with live snakes, lizards, and turtles. Kids will love it. This is appropriate for all ages. A $10 donation is suggested. We are also having a reptile cake competition, with a basket of art materials as the prize. This all takes place at the Berry Patch.


Yes, you can purchase frozen blueberries! Bring a covered dish!

Contact for more information.

2013-03-05 7:00 PM March CSA Monthly Meeting

March CSA Monthly Meeting

March 5



“Noah’s Ark – A Feasibility Study:”

Presented by Kevin Anderson


The credibility of the account of Noah’s ark has been attacked since antiquity and there are many false impressions still being used to discredit the Bible. When we examine the scriptures and use a little common sense, we find that many of these misconceptions can be dispelled. Studies done on the stability and seaworthiness of a ship with the biblical proportions of the ark have demonstrated that they are ideal, and are used in modern shipbuilding. We will also discuss the storage capacity and the workload needed to take care of the animals during the year-long ordeal of the flood as described by John Woodmorappe in his book, "Noah’s Ark – A Feasibility Study."


February CSA Monthly Meeting

Seeds- The Journey of Life

“Witness a fantastic voyage through floods, fire, and storms. A valiant struggle against impossible odds. All performed by a perfectly ordinary, yet truly remarkable creation: the simple seed. But Journey of Life is more than a fascinating look at God's design for growing plants. It's also a wonderful picture of the most important voyage of all, the journey of the living seed of God's Word, taking root in human hearts. This highly acclaimed video urges us to examine our lives. And to look beyond present struggles to the promise of eternal life.”

The video can be found on You tube

2013-01-08 7:00 PM CSA Monthly Meeting

January CSA Monthly Meeting

Already Compromised - Part III

by Ken Ham


In Part 3, Ken looks at the need for Creation-based evangelism in the light of deep-rooted compromise that permeates so many of today's Christian churches and colleges.  Example:  A recent visitor in my home by a college student he expressed surprise that virtually every student in his college biology class loudly proclaimed the truth of evolution, but none could give a coherent defense of evolution. 

Christians need to understand and commit to their biblical creation worldview.  They need to fully comprehend the full Gospel message of the Bible and how to present it to a "Greek" world (Acts 17).  A must-see presentation for those who desire to "sanctify the Lord God in your hearts, and be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that in you, with meekness and fear." (1 Peter 3:15)

2012-12-17 7:00 PM CSA Creation Safaris - 2012

CSA Creation Safaris - 2012


April 21 - SE Kansas Minerals and Coal

May 25 - 28 - Western Kansas Chalk and Fossils

June 21 - 23 - Current River Float

July 21 - KU Natural History Museum

August 18 - Greater Kansas City Fossils & Rocks

Sept 1 - 3 - S.E. Missouri Geology

Sept 22 - Caney, Ks Zoo

Oct 13 - Ha Ha Tonka / Bridal Cave

Nov 17 - Squaw Creek Wildlife Refuge

2012-12-04 7:00 PM CSA Monthly Meeting Schedule - 2012

CSA Monthly Meeting Topics - 2012

1st Tuesday of Month, 7:00 PM


Jan 3 - The Beauty of Creation - Douglas R Dexheimer

Feb 7 - Age of the Earth - George Schulte

Mar 6 - Formed to Fly - DVD Dr David Menton

Apr 3 - Already Compromised - Bob Farwell, Based on DVD's by Answers in Genesis

May 1 - Information Theory vs Evolution Fairy Tales, Kevin Anderson

Jun 5 - Biblical Model of the Flood - George Schulte

Jul 3 - Dr Rob Carter: Human DNA on DVD - Douglas Roger Dexheimer

Aug 7 - Maps of the Ancient Sea Kings - Dave Penny

Sep 4 - Out of Place Artifacts - Kevin Anderson

Oct 2 - Apes, Fakes and True Man - Bob Farwell

Nov 6 - Already Compromised DVD I by Ken Ham

Dec 4 - Already Compromised DVD II by Ken Ham

Jan 1 - Already Compromised DVD III by Ken Ham

2012-12-04 7:00 PM CSA Monthly Meeting

"Already Compromised" Part II

by Ken Ham


Review of the results of the 2010 study by America's Research Group, which includes 312 presidents, vice-presidents and chairs of theology and science departments of 200 Christian colleges and universities in America.  The Survey results clearly show the astounding compromise of the authority of Scripture, especially Genesis 1 - 11 by these "Christian leaders".  Common among these "Christian Leaders" is "Newspeak," word-twisting, truth-skewing dialog where we need to ask what they really mean. 

The presentation also covers important topics like age of the earth, sin & death, and man's word versus God's Word to point out the senselessness of such compromise.  In all, Part 2 is a thought-provoking analysis of what is really happening in "Christian" America.

2012-11-19 Varies, See Schedule Astronomy Safaris - 2012

Astronomy Safaris for 2012


4/20 - Friday 8:00 pm

5/18 - Friday 8:30 pm

6/16 - Saturday 8:45 pm

7/21 - Saturday 8:45 pm

8/17 - Friday 8:15

9/14 - Friday 7:30 pm

10/12 - Friday 7:15 pm

11/9 - Friday 7;15 pm

2012-07-21 9:00AM - 4:00PM KU Natural History Museum tour and Fossil Safari

KU Natural History Museum Tour


Fossil Safari


One of our most popular safaris. We start in Lenexa and fossil hunt along K-10 hwy enroute to Lawrence. We picnic at South Park on Massachusetts Ave. Then we tour "Evolution's Cathedral," the KU Natural History Museum. We tour the palentology floor with a biblical worldview and discuss the Exploring Evolution exhibt.

2012-07-03 7:00 PM July 2012 Meeting DVD By Robert Carter of CMI

Mitochondrial EVE


the 3 "Daughters" of Noah DVD

by Robert Carter of CMI

Introduction by Douglas Roger Dexheimer


The topic this coming month is Human DNA, and how if tells the history of man's movements. Human genetic data fits the Bible better than evolution. The Bible records three historical biblical “main events” that would have left an indelible mark on our genetic makeup: Creation, the Flood, and the Tower of Babel. Exciting research in modern genetics actually underlines the reality of these events, if you expect to find the evidence and go looking for it (but you have to know where to look!).

2012-01-03 7:00 PM The Beauty of Creation

CSA Monthly Meeting Topic

January 3rd 2012


The Beauty of Creation

Douglas R Dexheimer

BSME  Illinois Institute of Technology, CSA Safari Leader


View the Beauty of Creation thru the eyes of an Engineer.  Examine the common theme used by the Creator in Plants, Animals, and celestial bodies.  Take a brief look at some of the beautiful things that man has devised based on that pattern, in architecture, arts, and music.

2011-12-30 7:00 PM CSA Monthly Meeting

2011 CSA Meetings and Topics


June 7 - Using Art to Make Evolution Appear Scientific - Sharon Jeffus

July 5 - The Origin of Plants - Bob Farwell

Aug 2 - The Six Days of Creation, the Fall and the Curse - George Schulte

Sept 5 - Creation and Evolution : One is Science... One is Myth. - Tom Willis

Oct 4 - Old vs New Universe-Arguments - Dave Penny

Nov 1 - The Ultimate Proof of Creation DVD & Book by Dr. Jason Lisle

Dec 6 - Erosion of Christian America – DVD by Ken Ham

Jan 3 - The Beauty of Creation - Douglas Roger Dexheimer

2011-07-23 Creation Safari

Yellowstone National Park Safari:

July 23 - 28, 2011

Saturday - Thursday


This is a six day Safari visiting the most famous sites at Yellowstone National Park. The Safari will be conducted by Ed Johlman. Formerly with CSA, Ed's career moved him west where he introduced Creation Safaris to Rocky Mountain Creation Fellowship. His career moved Ed further west, but, then Yellowstone is also further West, so Ed is leading this Safari.

Like CSA Safaris, it is important to sign up and get detailed safari information. This Safari information is available in an 8-page brochure on the Yellowstone Safari only. The Safari and brochure are now on the main page of their website (

It is a long trip, but might well be a very meaningful family vacation outing. I suggest you get the Yellowstone Safari "Brochure", and sign up when you can. The sign-up sheet if a part of the brochure. If you have questions not answered in the brochure Rocky Mountain Creation Fellowship has a "contact" link on their main page.

2011-07-01 CSA 2011 Creation Safaris

CSA 2011 Creation Safaris

List not available anymore.

2011-03-26 8:00 AM Creation Safari - SE Kansas Fossils & Coal

SE Kansas Fossils & Coal Safari


Very Interesting Family Outing. Brief Seminar at The Berry Patch ( then we're off to SE Kansas Coal Mining District with fossil hunts along the way and other interesting stops.

2011-02-01 7:00 PM CSA Monthly Meeting

The Mystery of Our Declining Genes" DVD

by Dr. John Sanford


In his widely read book, Genetic Entropy and the Mystery of the Genome, Dr. Sanford demonstrated why and how human DNA is inexorably deteriorating at an alarming rate and therefore cannot be millions of years old. In this newer work, Dr. Sanford traces the history of human genetic decline due to mutations in our DNA.  The evidence is startling to those who don't believe the Genesis account of Creation because it refutes conventional dates for alleged human evolution, providing powerful evidence for the Bible's short timescale for human history.

Dr. John Sanford, a former Cornell University professor, is well known in genetic engineering circles as the inventor of the Gene Gun.

2011-01-04 7:00 PM CSA Monthly Meeting

The Human Heart  Did it Evolve?

by Joel Bangen


A Medical View of the Heart


A. The Heart's Capabilities


B. The Heart's Anatomy


C. The Heart's Diseases


D. The Fetal Heart Development and Specialized Systems to Transition from Uterine Circulation through Birth


E. Conclusion: the Heart is a Highly Unique Specialized Organ that Reflects a Designer, and the Assumption that it Evolved is an Intellectually Shallow and Dissatisfying Position.

2010-12-07 7:00 PM CSA Monthly Meeting

Union Station Dinosaurs

by Bob Farwell


The World engages in a number of peculiar, often laughable practices.  As bad as many are, none is more absurd than the uniform practice of agreeing, and sticking to the agreement of declaring that...

  • All Dinosaurs Were Extinct About 65 Million Years Ago
  • A Living Person Never Saw a Dinosaur - A Living Dinosaur Never Saw a Person
This in the face of irrefutable evidence to the contrary"
  • Artwork throughout Human History accurately depicting dinosaurs
  • Extremely well preserved dinosaur fossils & trackways that would have had to survive 65 million or more years with no geologic event to disturb them.  With just the number of events in recorded human history (~6000 years), it is impossible to conceive how such beautifully preserved remains could survive even a million years (Note: Biblical history requires only that dinosaur fossils survive less than a few thousand years, when last seen, and Human records of history requires fossils survive less than 2000 years.

Bob will review these ideas and more, as well as show you more of the World's brilliant scholarship from Kansas City's Union Station.

2010-11-02 7:00 PM CSA Monthly Meeting

Information, DNA and Genomes,

by Kevin Anderson


The KU Natural History Museum presents that human and chimp DNA are 99% similar and many other sources say that its anywhere from 96% to 98% similarity. What does this mean? How did they make this comparison? It turns out that it is not as simple, as it  is often made out to be. Kevin will discuss how the nature of information sheds light on this comparison and how presuppositions can get in the way of the truth.

2010-10-05 7:00 PM CSA Monthly Meeting

The Nature of Energy

by Dave Penny


Energy, the non-matter component of the Universe, has baffled natural philosophers to define. Modern theories of relativity and quantum physics have made our understanding of matter even more elusive.Niels Bohr, the godfather of quantum physics, ascertained that energy and matter cannot exist unless there is a mind to perceive them.  The creation and eschatology of the energy and matter by God in the Scriptures give us profound insights into the origin and nature of energy. Energy animates matter and reveals God’s glory in the material universe. A Godless naturalistic science has no clue to the origin, nature, or destiny of energy in the Universe.

2010-09-07 7:00 PM CSA Monthly Meeting

The Nature of Matter

by Dave Penny


The Nature of Matter has been difficult to define, especially by the secular philosophers and scientists. Lucretius, a Greek atheist, proposed that all matter is composed of indivisible eternal atoms. Newton, as a creationist, defined it as a quantity of mass in his laws of motion and gravitation. In modern physics based on naturalism, matter varies in quantity and dimensions with time, space, velocity, energy, and frame of reference. Also, naturalism has no explanation for the origin or order in matter. Since the creation, God has given man a much more rational understanding of the origin, nature, and order of matter than has naturalism.

2010-08-03 7:00 CSA Monthly Meeting

The Ice Age - Only the Bible Explains It DVD

By Meteorologist Michael Oard


How many ice ages have there been in Earth's history? When was the last one? How does an ice age start? How did the global Flood of Noah's day contribute to the Ice Age? These and many other questions are addressed in this enlightening DVD.  Meteorologist Michael Oard examines the physical evidence , scrutinizes secular theories, and shows that only the Bible sufficiently explains the mechanism to produce and sustain the Ice Age.

2010-06-02 7:00PM CSA Monthly Meeting

The Age of the Earth Thousands


Billions of Years?


The popular notion of Earth Age among those wishing to be called "scientists" is billions.  Is there really any evidence for this view?  What is the nature of the "evidence" for long ages?  Does it stand up under scrutiny?  Is there evidence for a youthful Earth?  How does it stand up?
2010-05-02 7:00 PM CSA Monthly Meeting

Youth Exodus from the Church

The Fix Ought to be Based on The Reason



This subject is so important that the lead article last month and the May meeting will focus on it. Surveys have been taken and books have been written, but we are not convinced of their validity, e.g., we are not convinced that surveyed youth even know or can/will admit why they lleft. Our position is that there are two main reasons they leave. Both can be addressed (perhaps not completely solved) by the Church, but only after the Church agrees that they are the reasons, and then, only by Churches led by true believers.


Order DVD $15.00: VO299

2010-04-06 7:00 PM CSA Monthly Meeting

Inherently Wind

A Hollywood History of the Scopes Trial



The Hollywood movie “Inherit The Wind,” willfully painted a patently false history of the most famous trial in history. Millions of Americans were deceived into believing that Clarence Darrow and evolutionism brilliantly trumped the creationism and the ignorance William Jennings Bryan. While few would choose Bryan, the facts are that Bryan not only won the verdict, but Darrow lost the debate. The God haters spent 50 years portraying the opposite of what actually happened. Dr. David Menton, PhD in cell biology, using his methodological style, opens your eyes to a totally different story.


Order: DVD ($18.00): VO298 

2010-02-02 7:00 - 9:00 PM CSA Monthly Meeting

Rock Hard

by Douglas Roger Dexheimer


Why are some rocks hard, and others, made largely from the same materials, very soft? Consider only Limestone and Kansas Chalk (or the “White Cliffs of Dover”) I had never thought the subject might be interesting until Doug began to reflect on it, and to dig into the data. I now think the answer is not as complex as you might suspect, and Doug has convinced many that it is another solid (pun intended) evidence for the Flood of Genesis rather than millions of years of slow deposition.


Order DVD $20.00: VO297

2010-01-05 7:00 - 9:00 PM CSA Monthly Meeting

Molecular Evidence for Creation

Dr. David DeWitt

2009-12-13 7:15 - 9:15PM Astronomy Safari (Geminid Meteors)

Astronomy Safari

Geminid Meteors


Each Astronomy Safari consists of an inspiring slide seminar followed by a tour of the heavens using tracking telescopes and binoculars. For more information, get the Safari Detail Booklet, which also contains a map to the safari site.

2009-12-05 9:00AM - 4:00PM Squaw Creek Game Refuge - Eagle Day

Squaw Creek Game Refuge - Eagle Day


Thousands of geese and ducks, many deer, muskrats, and bald eagles.  Also, hiking, fossil hunts, Loess soil and fascinating seminars on Geology and God's Marvels, including migration. 

2009-12-01 7:00 - 9:00PM CSA Monthly Meeting

Implications and Contrasts of Modern Relativity and Quantum Physics to Biblical Creationism

David Penny, BS, Physics

2009-11-13 7:15 - 9:15PM Astronomy Safari

Astronomy Safari


Each Astronomy Safari consists of an inspiring slide seminar followed by a tour of the heavens using tracking telescopes and binoculars. For more information, get the Safari Detail Booklet, which also contains a map to the safari site.

2009-11-03 7:00-9:00PM CSA Monthly Meeting

Implications and Contrasts

of Modern Relativity
and Quantum Physics

to Biblical Creationism

David Penny, BS, Physics


Postponed to Dec Meeting. Substituted a DVD

2009-10-24 9AM - 6PM KATY Bike Trail Safari

KATY Bike Trail Safari


Bicycle trip along the beautiful Missouri River bluffs near Boonville, MO.  See the fall colors, explore the cause and age of the Missouri River Valley. 

2009-10-16 7:15 - 9:15PM Astronomy Safari

Astronomy Safari


Each Astronomy Safari consists of an inspiring slide seminar followed by a tour of the heavens using tracking telescopes and binoculars. For more information, get the Safari Detail Booklet, which also contains a map to the safari site.
2009-10-06 7:00-9:00PM CSA Monthly Meeting

Einstein Relativity, Quantum Physics

and Biblical Creationism

David Penny, BS, Physics

2009-10-06 7:00-9:00PM CSA Monthly Meeting

Einstein Relativity, Quantum Physics,

and Biblical Creationism

David Penny, BS, Physics

2009-09-25 Sept 25 - 27 Camp Genesis

Camp Genesis


New this year.  Enjoy a weekend camp out at The Berry Patch.  Sing around the campfire, hunt for fossils close by, make your own fossils, do the wilderness trail, fishing tournament, pick not-so-wild blackberries, all while learning the origin of fossils, rocks, hills and valleys. 

2009-09-18 7:30 - 9:30PM Astronomy Safari

Astronomy Safari


Each Astronomy Safari consists of an inspiring slide seminar followed by a tour of the heavens using tracking telescopes and binoculars. For more information, get the Safari Detail Booklet, which also contains a map to the safari site.
2009-09-04 Sept. 4 - 7 SE MO - Johnson's Shut-ins

Southeast Missouri

Johnson's Shut-ins


Becoming our most popular safari with all ages. Visit, swim and play in some of the world's most interesting geologic formations: Johnson's Shut-ins, Taum Sauk Mountain, Elephant Rocks ("elephant shaped" granite formations), while learning how all these formed quickly. 

2009-08-21 8:00PM - 10:00PM Astronomy Safari

Astronomy Safari


Each Astronomy Safari consists of an inspiring slide seminar followed by a tour of the heavens using tracking telescopes and binoculars. For more information, get the Safari Detail Booklet, which also contains a map to the safari site.
2009-08-15 10:00AM - 2:30PM Rock Bridge Cave Tour Safari

Rock Bridge Cave Tour Safari


A truly "wild" cave, i.e., no fancy sidewalks or lights.  We bring our own lights.  One of Missouri's longest caves in the heart of Missouri's famous Karst region (a region marked by caves, sinkholes, natural bridges, underground rivers, etc.) 

2009-07-25 8:30 - 10:30PM Astronomy Safari

Astronomy Safari


Each Astronomy Safari consists of an inspiring slide seminar followed by a tour of the heavens using tracking telescopes and binoculars. For more information, get the Safari Detail Booklet, which also contains a map to the safari site.
2009-07-18 9:00AM - 4:00PM KU Natural History Museum Safari

KU Natural History Museum Safari


Fossil hunting, picnic, and a truly rare experience... God-honoring tour of a Natural History Museum. 

2009-06-20 8:30 - 10:30PM Astronomy Safari

Astronomy Safari


Each Astronomy Safari consists of an inspiring slide seminar followed by a tour of the heavens using tracking telescopes and binoculars. For more information, get the Safari Detail Booklet, which also contains a map to the safari site.
2009-06-18 June 18 - 20 North Fork River Float Trip

North Fork River Float Trip


Camp, canoe, swim in the beautiful North Fork River, an Ozark National Scenic Riverway.  Enjoy the delightful weekend, and grow in grace and knowledge of river and canyon formation; what purifies our atmosphere; and the awesome "evidence of God's eternal pwer and deity." Rom 1:20. 

2009-06-02 7:00 - 9:00PM CSA Monthly Meetiing

The Worldview That Evolutionism Built

A Ghastly Life Perspective

As Devastating As Any in the History of the World

By: David Penny &Tom Willis


The Communists, Nazis, Aztecs, Mayans all held ghastly world views and their practices were beyond comprehension. We correctly find their views and practices abhorrent, but their beliefs and practices do not exceed what is rapidly becoming commonplace in the world today! Abortion, Homosexuality, Socialism, Global Warming, the return of Eugenics (testing, tailoring and patented genes), and euthanasia. All these are receiving global defense and even acclaim far beyond anything in the past except perhaps under Communism and Nazism. Why? We believe, as under Communism and Nazism, these beliefs and practices (today) all derive their intellectual and moral support from Evolutionism.


Order Audio ($5.00), DVD or VHS $14.00: A0291 or VO291

2009-05-23 May 23 - 25 Western Kansas Chalk and Fossil Beds

Western Kansas Chalk and Fossil Beds


One of the most famous chalk and fossil beds in the world.  Visit Wildcat Canyon, Castle Rock, volcanic ash beds, and numerous other chalk and fossil beds. Bring home all the fossils you can carry.

2009-05-15 8:30 - 10:30PM Astronomy Safari

Astronomy Safari


Each Astronomy Safari consists of an inspiring slide seminar followed by a tour of the heavens using tracking telescopes and binoculars. For more information, get the Safari Detail Booklet, which also contains a map to the safari site.
2009-05-05 7:00 - 9:00PM CSA Monthly Meeting

Egyptology VS the Bible - Part III

Efforts to Find Biblical Patriarchs

in Secular Egyptian History

by Mary Jefferson


Third of a three part series on the history of Egypt as told by the World versus the history presented in the Bible. Worldly scholars are, of course, delighted with their inability to find Biblical patriarchs in their Egyptian history. Our interest, however, is in truth. Therefore, we are more interested in which story is true, than we are in what delights us. What we learn is the secular notion that Egyptian history is known and true, while Biblical history is myth, is itself a myth. Essentially, Egyptian History is not cast in stone, but based on bits and pieces of evidence. Egyptian history begins to match Biblical History much better if you simply reject a couple of popular, but quite tenuous, ties between Egyptian History and the Bible. Having made that call, the histories begin to fit, though both histories may be incomplete.


Order Audio ($5.00), DVD or VHS $14.00: A0290 or VO290

2009-04-24 8:00PM - 10:00PM Astronomy Safari

Astronomy Safari


Each Astronomy Safari consists of an inspiring slide seminar followed by a tour of the heavens using tracking telescopes and binoculars. For more information, get the Safari Detail Booklet, which also contains a map to the safari site.

2009-04-24 April 24 - 26 Ha Ha Tonda, Lake of the Ozarks Safari

Ha Ha Tonda, Lake of the Ozarks Safari


Visit World Famous Karst Topography: caves, sinkholes, a natural bridge, beautiful wildflowers on a rare Savannah, capped by 60-room stone castle. A tremendous weekend.

2009-04-14 7:00 - 9:00PM CSA Monthly Meeting

Egyptology versus the Bible - Part II:

Efforts to Find Biblical Patriarchs

in Secular Egyptian History

by Mary Jefferson


Second of a three-part series on the history of Egypt as told by the World versus the history presented in the Bible.  Worldly scholars are, of course, delighted with their inability to find Biblical patriarchs in their history.  Our interest, however, is in truth.  Therefore, we are more interested in which story is true, than we are in what delights us.


An interesting feature in this session, which should cause you to think, is that the world seems to take as fact any history but the Bible's, when everyone knows that each king, of virtually every culture, worked to shape history to fit what he wanted to be "his story."  Two things should become obvious: the paucity of data upon which secular histories are erected, and "historical sciences" are not science, but purposeful myths.


Order Audio ($5) or DVD ($14): A0289 or V0289

Note: The meeting date is not on the 1st Tuesday because the site of the meeting is being used as a polling place.

2009-03-28 8:00AM - 6:00PM SE Kansas Fossils & Coal Safari

SE Kansas Fossils & Coal Safari


A day trip to the coal mining region of SE Kansas - great exploration, excellent evidence for the Genesis Flood, and, fun for all ages.  Again this year, we will be touring the Tri-State Mineral Museum in Joplin. For more information see Safari Summary.

2009-03-27 7:30 - 9:30PM Astronomy Safari

Astronomy Safari


Astronomy Safaris are held at The Berry Patch, 22509 State Line Road.  Each Astronomy Safari consists of an inspiring slide seminar followed by a tour of the heavens using tracking telescopes and binoculars.  For more information, get the Safari Detail Booklet, which also contains a map to the safari site (see below.) For more information see Safari Summary.

2009-03-10 7:00 - 9:00PM CSA Monthly Meeting

Egyptology versus the Bible - Part I:

History of Egypt as Told by the World

By Mary Jefferson


First of a three-part series on Egyptian history as told by the world versus the Bible.  Recall that there are many references to Egypt and its leaders in the Bible, and several key Biblical leaders visited and/or lived in Egypt.  This series will present a case that the popular views of Egyptian history are seriously flawed while the Biblical history is correct.

This history, of course, will not conform to Biblical history, which tends to delight its advocates.  Hopefully you will see that this is incorrect on the merits of its own data, without even resorting to Biblical data.

Part II is described under the event CSA Monthly Meeting for April, 2009.  Part III, in May, will present an Egyptian Chronology which the speaker feels is closer to true history than the ones popular among "Egyptian scholars."  Obviously, it will conform much more closely with the Bible.


Order Audio ($5), or DVD ($14): A0288 or V0288


Note: The meeting date is not on the 1st Tuesday because the site of the meeting is being used as a polling place.

2009-02-03 7:00 - 9:00PM CSA Monthly Meeting

Does Our Knowledge of Physics

Lead to God or Naturalism? Part II

By: Dave Penny


The nature and origin of matter and energy are explored, posing a serious problem for naturalism as science. The ordered matter and energy of the Universe and Life is a second fatal problem for naturalism because of the laws of science. Other mantras of modern science, based on naturalism, will be explored such as relativity, quantum physics, evolution, light, and cosmology in the light of the laws of science and Scripture. The reason naturalism has no scientific explanation for the existence and order of matter and energy found in the cosmos and life is because naturalism is Godless.


Order Audio ($5.00), DVD $14.00: A0287 or VO287

2009-01-06 7:00 - 9:00PM CSA Monthly Meeting

Does Our Knowledge of Physics

Lead to God or Naturalism? Part I

By: Dave Penny


Modern science was formulated and dominated by Creationists. Since Hegel introduced his triad (thesis, antithesis and synthesis dialectic without any objective absolutes) in the early 1800's, atheistic naturalism (denial of any supernaturalism) began systematically displacing creationism in every realm of science. Today, science is dominated by naturalism in every discipline. This straitjacket of naturalism has undermined most of the foundations of science, especially in the questions of origins of matter, energy and order whether in the cosmos or life. The conflict between creationism and naturalism affects the very essence of true science.


Order Audio ($5.00), DVD $14.00: A0286 or VO286

2008-12-06 9AM - 4PM Squaw Creek Game Refuge - Eagle Day

Squaw Creek Game Refuge

Eagle Day


Thousands of geese and ducks, many deer, muskrats, and bald eagles.  Also, hiking, fossil hunts, Loess soil and fascinating seminars on Geology and God's Marvels, including migration.

2008-12-02 7:00 - 9:00PM CSA Montly Meeting

Darwinian Roots of Racism

by Bob Farwell


Racism before Darwin was generally unrelated to the features discussed today, like skin color.  Rather it tended to be related to national rivalries, etc.  Post Darwin, things changed.  If evolution is true, then the notion of difference in human people groups seems virtually certain.  Various studes, e.g., of genetic Punnett Squares, show that mutations and natural selection are not resulting in increased information.  Therefore, the notion of racial superiority due to evolution is nonsense, because evolution is nonsense.  There are, always have been, and will be, individuals and groups manifesting superiority in some ways.  This may be due to lifestyle or genetics, but does not mean evolution is true.

Order Audio ($5) or DVD ($14): A0285 or V0285

2008-11-21 7:15 - 9:15PM Astronomy Safari

Astronomy Safari


Each Astronomy Safari consists of an inspiring slide seminar followed by a tour of the heavens using tracking telescopes and binoculars. For more information, get the Safari Detail Booklet, which also contains a map to the safari site.

2008-11-11 7:00 - 9:00PM CSA Monthly Meeting

The Origin of Caves & Cave Formations

Millions or Hundreds of Years?

by Tom Willis


Every sign (about cave age), posted in or near a cave by the US Government (or a state), makes the blunt assertion that the cave required some enormous emount of time to form.  But, laboratory and field observations, and sound reasoning all demonstrate that, in the right conditions, every cave could have formed in a few hundred years.  If it truly took millions of years, no one was there to observe it, or observe the conditions.  What conditions are required, and does the evidence indicate they were present to form all these caves quickly?  The evidence, in many cases, is right in the caves.  The reason it is missing today from some caves is also clear.  It is our position that there is no sound reason to think it took much time to form any of the caves on planet Earth.


Order Audio ($5) or DVD ($14): A0284 or V0284

2008-10-25 9AM - 6PM KATY Bike Trail Safari

KATY Bike Trail Safari


Bicycle trip along the beautiful Missouri River bluffs near Boonville, MO. Fall colors, explore the cause and age of the Missouri River valley.

2008-10-24 7:15 - 9:15PM Astronomy Safari

Astronomy Safari


Each Astronomy Safari consists of an inspiring slide seminar followed by a tour of the heavens using tracking telescopes and binoculars. For more information, get the Safari Detail Booklet, which also contains a map to the safari site.

2008-10-07 7:00 - 9:00PM CSA Monthly Meeting

Highlights of the

International Conference on Creationism

Part II

By: Dave Penny, Doug Roger Dexheimer,

Mark Matthews, Ken Carlson, Tom Willis


Four hundred scientists from around the world gathered in Pittsburgh, Pa. to present and review refereed scientific papers on the science of Origins. Many topics were presented in Foundations of Science, Life Sciences, Stellar and Planetary Sciences, Earth Sciences, Social Sciences and Humanities. Five CSA leaders attended. We will take two or more meetings to present highlights of the conference (at least Septemberand October, 2008). Later, when we have the Powerpoint slides, we hope to take some of the best talks and review them in more detail.


Order Audio ($5.00), DVD or VHS $14.00: A0283 or VO283

2008-09-27 9AM - 4PM KC Fossils & Rocks Safari

KC Fossils & Rocks Safari


Start your own fossil collection, we will help you identify and catalog your finds from fossil beds all over the Kansas City area.

2008-09-26 7:15 - 9:15PM Astronomy Safari

Astronomy Safari


Each Astronomy Safari consists of an inspiring slide seminar followed by a tour of the heavens using tracking telescopes and binoculars. For more information, get the Safari Detail Booklet, which also contains a map to the safari site.

2008-09-02 7:00 - 9:00PM CSA Monthly Meeting

Highlights of the

International Conference on Creationism

Part I

By: Dave Penny, Doug Roger Dexheimer,

Mark Matthews, Ken Carlson, Tom Willis


Four hundred scientists from around the world gathered in Pittsburgh, Pa. to present and review refereed scientific papers on the science of Origins. Many topics were presented in Foundations of Science, Life Sciences, Stellar and Planetary Sciences, Earth Sciences, Social Sciences and Humanities. Five CSA leaders attended. We will take two or more meetings to present highlights of the conference (at least September and October, 2008). Later, when we have the Powerpoint slides, we hope to take some of the best talks and review them in more detail.


Order Audio ($5.00), DVD or VHS $14.00: A0282 or VO282

2008-08-29 Aug 29 - Sept 1 Ks Mid-Central Safari

Kansas Mid-Central Safari


New in 2008, visit the Space Museum (discuss cosmos origins), Tall Grass Prairie, and Salt Mines (Earth History, these deposits tell a real story).

2008-08-22 8:00 - 10:00PM Astronomy Safari

Astronomy Safari


Each Astronomy Safari consists of an inspiring slide seminar followed by a tour of the heavens using tracking telescopes and binoculars. For more information, get the Safari Detail Booklet, which also contains a map to the safari site.

2008-08-16 10AM - 2:30PM Rock Bridge Cave Safari

Rock Bridge Cave Safari


A truly "wild" cave, i.e., no fancy sidewalks or lights.  We bring our own lights. One of Missouri's longest caves in the heart of Missouri's famous Karst region (a region marked by caves, sinkholes, natural bridges, underground rivers, etc.)

2008-08-10 August 10-15 Redcloud Family Mountain Adventure

Redcloud Family Mountain Adventure


Alpha Omega Institute is again offering excellent family vacations combined with creation teaching in the Colorado Mountains. The teaching is centered on the Biblical and scientific case for creation, and the implications of the creation and evolution issue on the Christian faith and the world. At Redcloud Ranch, extreme fun activities provided are rappelling, high ropes, horseback riding, power pole, mountain biking, hiking, fishing, etc. Families, singles, or groups are invited.

2008-08-05 7:00 - 9:00PM CSA Monthly Meeting

Biblical Geology DVD

By: Tas Walker


Dr. Tasman Bruce Walker has a doctorate in mechanical engineering from the University of Queensland. Dr. Walker worked for over twenty years in the electric power station industry in Australia. He has done field research in mining geology, geochemistry, and hydroelectric development, as well as extensive research in Biblical Geology, a field that some will (falsely) tell you does not exist. His web site,, is devoted to further developing this model of geologic history.


Order DVD VO281 $13.00

2008-08-03 August 3-7 ICC 2008

The 2008 International

Conference on Creationism


This premiere scientific conference features over forty original peer-reviewed papers and special evening presentations by the world's leading creation researchers and speakers including Andrew Snelling, Russ Humphreys, John Baumgardner, Steve Austin, John Sanford, John Whitmore, John Hartnett and many more.

2008-08-03 August 3-8 Redcloud Family Mountain Adventure

Redcloud Family Mountain Adventure


Alpha Omega Institute is again offering excellent family vacations combined with creation teaching in the Colorado Mountains. The teaching is centered on the Biblical and scientific case for creation, and the implications of the creation and evolution issue on the Christian faith and the world. At Redcloud Ranch, extreme fun activities provided are rappelling, high ropes, horseback riding, power pole, mountain biking, hiking, fishing, etc. Families, singles, or groups are invited.

2008-07-26 8:30 - 10:30PM Astronomy Safari

Astronomy Safari


Each Astronomy Safari consists of an inspiring slide seminar followed by a tour of the heavens using tracking telescopes and binoculars. For more information, get the Safari Detail Booklet, which also contains a map to the safari site.

2008-07-19 9AM - 4PM KU Natural History Museum Safari

KU Natural History Museum Safari


Fossil hunting, picnic, and a truly rare experience... God-honoring tour of a Natural History Museum.

2008-07-01 7:00 - 9:00PM CSA Monthly Meeting

Hydrothermal Mineral Deposition?

By: Douglas Roger Dexheimer


The minerals man retrieves in mining operations are essential to our existence. Why are they so conveniently located? The conventional model of Geology is extremely weak on how this happened, but a believing look at Biblical History, coupled with thoughtful reflection, and little more than High School Chemistry, yields a clear model of how and when all the minerals were put in place for Man's easy discovery and extraction. Once Doug explains it, you will wonder why conventional Geology missed it for so long. We suggest that, like a billion nautiloid fossils in the most studied limestone in the world, this was missed simply because their model of geology rejects Biblical history. Doug became interested in this subject during a Geology Honors project on a related, but different, topic. The Lord willing, soon Doug will report on that project as well.


Order Audio ($5.00), DVD or VHS $14.00: A0280 or VO2 80

2008-06-29 June 29 - July 4 Twin Peaks Family Mountain Adventure

Twin Peaks Family Mountain Adventure


Alpha Omega Institute is again offering excellent vacations combined with creation teaching in the Colorado Mountains. The teaching is centered on the Biblical and scientific case for creation, and the implications of the creation and evolution issue on the Christian faith. Twin Peaks offers hiking, fishing, a fossil dig, archery, miniature golf, and more. Families, singles, or groups are invited.

2008-06-28 8:45 - 10:45PM Astronomy Safari

Astronomy Safari


Each Astronomy Safari consists of an inspiring slide seminar followed by a tour of the heavens using tracking telescopes and binoculars. For more information, get the Safari Detail Booklet, which also contains a map to the safari site.
2008-06-19 June 19-21 Current River Float Trip Safari

Current River Float Trip Safari


Camp, canoe, swim in the beautiful Current River, an Ozark National Scenic Riverway. Enjoy a delightful weekend, and grow in grace and knowledge of river and canyon formation; what purifies our atmosphere; and the awesome "evidence of God's eternal power and deity." Rom 1:20.

2008-06-03 7:00 - 9:00PM CSA Monthly Meeting

Seven C’s of Creation

A Virtual Tour of the

Answers in Genesis Creation Museum

By: Joe Alongi


A PowerPoint walk through Earth history using the AIG Museum theme of "The Seven C’s - Creation, Corruption, Catastrophe, Confusion, Christ, Cross and Consummation" which are repeatedly emphasized throughout the museum. The pictures and videos are designed to replicate the museum experience and the various points of interest shown there. Other topics discussed will be human reason vs. God’s word, the official anti-Biblical secular bias, Satan’s attack methods, the ill effects of Sin, the building of Noah’s ark, the flood and water recession, the Biblical view of the brotherhood of man, and the museum theaters, stores and grounds.


Order Audio ($5.00), DVD or VHS $14.00: A0279 or VO279

2008-05-24 May 24-26 Western Kansas Chalk and Fossil Beds

Western Kansas Chalk and Fossil Beds


One of the most famous chalk and fossil beds in the world.  Visit Wildcat Canyon, Castle Rock, volcanic ash beds, and numerous other chalk and fossil beds. Bring home all the fossils you can carry.

2008-05-17 8:30AM - 3:30PM Seminar: RSJSNO! - EXpelled

Free Origins Seminar

Saturday, May 17, 2008


Real Scientists Just Say NO!   -   EXpelled Seminar

You've seen the movie, now go into the real issues!

8:30AM - 3:30PM - Red Bridge Baptist Church, KC, MO

2008-05-06 7:00 - 9:00PM CSA Monthly Meeting

Evidence the Earth Is At or Near the Center of Universe

By: Mark Matthews


Since Galileo, it has been popular, in the name of Science, to present the Earth as a Planet, a "Wandering Star," cruising around an obscure, moving solar system, in an obscure, moving galaxy, a mere unimportant pebble in a vast meaningless array of self-created objects. Is this view really "Science" or is it anti science religion? Six major lines of evidence will be presented, all from observed science, not vain speculation, all clearly pointing to the Earth not only as being at or near the center of the Cosmos, but also as a key focal point of the Cosmos itself. For no other planet in the Cosmos, could these same observations be made.  To believe Earth is an accident, requires a real suspension of sanity, or promotion of ignorance.


Order Audio ($5.00), DVD or VHS $14.00: A0278 or VO278

2008-05-02 8:15 - 10:15PM Astronomy Safari

Astronomy Safari


Each Astronomy Safari consists of an inspiring slide seminar followed by a tour of the heavens using tracking telescopes and binoculars. For more information, get the Safari Detail Booklet, which also contains a map to the safari site.

2008-04-25 10:30 & 1:00 FHE Convention Workshop

FHE Convention Workshop


Workshop: " Winning the War for the Hearts & Minds of our Children" - Part I 10:30AM, Part II - 1:00PM

2008-04-18 April 18 -20 Ha Ha Tonka, Lake of the Ozarks

Ha Ha Tonka, Lake of the Ozarks


Visit World Famous Karst Topography: caves, sinkholes, a natural bridge, beautiful wildflowers on a rare Savannah, capped by a 60-room stone castle. A tremendous weekend.

2008-04-04 7:45 - 9:45PM Astronomy Safari

Astronomy Safari


Each Astronomy Safari consists of an inspiring slide seminar followed by a tour of the heavens using tracking telescopes and binoculars.  For more information, get the Safari Detail Booklet, which also contains a map to the safari site.

2008-04-01 7:00 - 9:00PM CSA Monthly Meeting



Theories of Relativity Science or Philosophy?

Part II

by: David Penny, BS Physics


The key postulates of and conclusions derived from, special and general relativity are examined in the light of experimental evidence and observed phenomena in space. Relativity is shown to be contrary to reality, untrue, poor science. Einstein's theories of Relativity are shown to actually be philosophical Relativism. They became popular and Einstein idolized because atheists like Bernard Shaw, in the early 1900's, recoginzed they supported the Hegelian view that there are no absolutes, claiming that motion, time and space are all relative to observers. A true scientific view of matter, time and space supports the Biblical view of creation, that the universe exists since day 6, and operates consistently on fixed laws... absolutes. If we were to pick a winner, Mach's Principle, where all the matter of the Universe serves as a  universal frame of reference, is closer to the truth than current theories of relativity.


Order Audio ($5.00), DVD or VHS $14.00: A0277 or VO277

2008-03-29 8AM - 6PM SE Kansas Fossils & Coal Safari

SE Kansas Fossils & Coal Safari


A day trip to the coal mining region of SE Kansas - great exploration, excellent evidence for the Genesis Flood, and, fun for all ages.  Again this year, we will be touring the Tri-State Mineral Museum in Joplin.Safari Summary.

2008-03-04 7:00 - 9:00PM CSA Monthly Meeting



Theories of Relativity Science or Philosophy?

Part II

by: David Penny, BS Physics


A brief history, Aristotle to Galileo, of Man’s view of Motion and the Universe, modified by Maxwell, Michelson-Morley, Lorentz and Einstein. Definitions of key terms as well as supporting/refuting experimental evidence will be covered in this and in Part II. The author feels the theories of light transmission, general and special Relativity have no conclusive proofs and several clearly falsifying experiments and observations. The whole jumbled enchilada is falsely used as proof there is no God, but, in Part II, we learn that better science presents some amazing evidence for the Biblical view of Cosmos History.


Order Audio ($5.00), DVD or VHS $14.00: A0276 or VO276p

2008-02-05 7:00 - 9:00PM CSA Monthly Meeting

Darwin's Origin of Species...

Science or Fantasy?

By George Schulte


This presentation will be an in-depth review of a book written by George Schulte, MS geology.  The book provides a chapter-by-chapter critique of Charles Darwin's infamous, and world-changing book, The Origin of Species, published in 1859.  Before the book, especially during the 1600s, 1700s and early 1800s, most scientists and most other people in the western world accepted the Biblical account of Creation and the Flood.  During this period, some of the greatest scientists, nearly all Bible-believing, made breakthrough discoveries in the major fields of science... Newton, Faraday, Pascal, Boyle and hundreds of others.  Darwin's book advanced the notion that all living things came into being by gradual, purely materialistic means, without God.  The world, seemingly always eager to eliminate God, leapt at this idea.  Schulte's book shows that Darwin provides no scientific evidence for his theory, and in fact, he pointed out, throughout his book, many grave difficulties with his own theory. 


Order Audio ($5.00), DVD or VHS $14.00: A0275/V0275

2008-01-08 7:00 - 9:00PM CSA Monthly Meeting

Inherently Wind

DVD By: David Menton, PhD


David Menton holds a Ph.D. in cell biology, and is professor emeritus at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis. “Inherit the Wind” was a play and movie shown to virtually every public school child in the US. The movie was typically shown as a joint presentation of the English and Science Departments. Many drama departments chose it for school plays. Purporting to be a documentary, it is a colossal series of lies designed to attack Christianity, from the first musical note to the closing curtain. A liberal New York columnist who was present at the trial, found the play so full of lies he walked out.Dr. Menton studied the trial transcript and the play, and produced this video, “Inherently Wind.” We are showing it now because it is a very important history study of the roles of government, “Education” and media in destroying the foundation of our country. Recently, the socialist Public Broadcasting System, hugely funded by tax dollars, produced an equally rank distortion of a more recent trial in Dover, Pa. “NOVA: Judgment Day: Intelligent Design on Trial.”


Order DVD $18.00: V0274

2007-12-13 9:00 - 11:00PM Astronomy Safari (Geminid Meteors)

Astronomy Safari

(Geminid Meteors)


Each Astronomy Safari consists of an inspiring slide seminar followed by a tour of the heavens using tracking telescopes and binoculars.  For more information, get the Safari Detail Booklet, which also contains a map to the safari site.


Note: The peak of the Geminid Meteor shower is on Thursday, December 13, 2007. We previously said Wednesday, we apologize for the miscommunication. Feel free to come earlier than 9PM, however remember that the later it gets the better the show. =)

2007-12-04 7:00 - 9:00PM CSA Monthly Meeting

Life's Story - II DVD

By: Exploration Films


In this program you will learn about the navigation techniques and defense mechanisms of marine life, the complex behavior of birds, the differences between apes, monkeys, humans, ape-men missing links, missing link hoaxes, and how some large mammals feed and digest their food.  This is a fascinating and educational video.  We are sure you will find it rewarding.


Order Life's Story II (DVD) $20

2007-11-09 7:15 - 9:15PM Astronomy Safari

Astronomy Safari


Each Astronomy Safari consists of an inspiring slide seminar followed by a tour of the heavens using tracking telescopes and binoculars.  For more information, get the Safari Detail Booklet, which also contains a map to the safari site.

2007-11-06 7:00 - 9:00PM CSA Monthly Meeting

The Origin of Life - Part II

by Tom Willis


Part I covered 2500-years of the irrational faith in spontaneous generation of life through the 1800's, and introduced the current "theory" proposed by the Russian, Oparin, and its "proof" contained in virtually every High School Biology text I have seen: the Miller-Urey Experiment. It, like all the rest, has 100% experimental failure, but is presented in each biology text as certifying the scientific character of atheism.  Part II will review the modern defense of this totally defenseless belief system.  As last time, we will include a number of choice quotes from the liturature.

2007-10-20 9AM - 6PM KATY Bike Trail Safari

KATY Bike Trail Safari


Bicycle Trip along the beautiful Missouri River bluffs near Boonville, MO.  Fall colors, explore the cause and age of the Missouri River valley.

2007-10-12 7:15 - 9:15PM Astronomy Safari

Astronomy Safari


Each Astronomy Safari consists of an inspiring slide seminar followed by a tour of the heavens using tracking telescopes and binoculars.  For more information, get the Safari Detail Booklet, which also contains a map to the safari site.

2007-10-02 7:00 - 9:00PM October 2007 - CSA Monthly Meeting

Early Visitations to the Americas

By Lynn Lemons


The Evolutionist paradigm is that man evolved over a few million years.  About 9,000 years ago he finally evolved sufficient cognitive ability to navigate, build structures, etc.  The Christian paradigm is that man was created, did not exist 9,000 years ago, didn't evolve, and began with more intelligence than he has today.  Man started with the ability, if not the technology, to do great things.  For example, he did not, have to wait until he evolved from apes to be able to navigate.  Lynn will present evidence supporting the Christian view of early man from his ability to navigate and travel great distances, to places like the Americas.

2007-09-14 7:30 - 9:30PM Astronomy Safari

Astronomy Safari


Each Astronomy Safari consists of an inspiring slide seminar followed by a tour of the heavens using tracking telescopes and binoculars.  For more information, get the Safari Detail Booklet, which also contains a map to the safari site.

2007-09-04 7:00 - 9:00PM September 2007 - CSA Monthly Meeting

The Origin of Life;

Is There Any Theory of How It Happened?

by Tom Willis


Virtually every High School Biology text I have seen (about 12) contains diagrams and discussion of the Miller-Urey Experiment as an "Origin of Life experiment," each essentially implying that it contributed greatly to the atheist theory that "Life just happened." What experiments have actually been performed and what theories advanced to rid of us the need for God to bring about life? What were the results? What do we actually know about the subject? What are the only logical conclusions from those experiments and theories?

2007-08-31 Aug 31 - Sept 3 SE Missouri/Johnson's Shut-Ins Safari

Southeast Missouri

Johnson's Shut-Ins Safari


Becoming our most popular safari with all ages.  Visit, swim and play in some of the world's most interesting geologic formations: Johnson's Shut-ins and the Taum Sauk Mountain disaster, Elephant Rocks ("elephant shaped" granite formations), Silver Mines, Devil's Honeycomb all while learning how these formed quickly.

2007-08-18 10:00AM - 2:30PM Rock Bridge Cave Tour Safari

Rock Bridge Cave Tour Safari


A truly "wild" cave, i.e., no fancy sidewalks or lights.  We bring our own lights.  One of Missouri's longest caves in the heart of Missouri's famous Karst region (a region marked by caves, sinkholes, natural bridges, underground rivers,etc.)

2007-08-12 8:30 - 10:30PM Astronomy Safari (Perseid Meteors)

Astronomy Safari

(Perseid Meteors)


Each Astronomy Safari consists of an inspiring slide seminar followed by a tour of the heavens using tracking telescopes and binoculars.  For more information, get the Safari Detail Booklet, which also contains a map to the safari site.

2007-08-07 7:00 PM August 2007 - CSA Monthly Meeting

The History of the World:

As Told by God - As Told by the World

by Larry Rink


Larry is one of the founding directors of CSA and has been in the service of God over 30 years.  This has been his favorite topic for many years, and he continues to improve it.  What does God really say about origins, what does the World say, and what does the evidence really tell us?  Larry’s message is that, when the Lord is taken seriously and honestly, and the evidence is evaluated the same way, then the evidence and the Word agree.

2007-08-05 8/5/07 - 8/10/07 Redcloud Family Mountain Adventure

Redcloud Family Mountain Adventure


Alpha Omega Institute is again offering excellent vacations combined with creation teaching in the Colorado Mountains. The teaching is centered on the Biblical and scientific case for creation, and the implications of the creation and evolution issue on the Christian faith. At Redcloud Ranch, extreme fun activities provided are white water rafting, rappelling, high ropes, horseback riding, power pole, mountain biking, hiking, fishing, etc. Families, singles, or groups are invited. or call (970) 523-9943

2007-07-29 7/29/07 - 8/3/07 Redcloud Family Mountain Adventure

Redcloud Family Mountain Adventure


Alpha Omega Institute is again offering excellent family vacations combined with creation teaching in the Colorado Mountains. The teaching is centered on the Biblical and scientific case for creation, and the implications of the creation and evolution issue on the Christian faith and the world. At Redcloud Ranch, extreme fun activities provided are white water rafting, rappelling, high ropes, horseback riding, power pole, mountain biking, hiking, fishing, etc. Families, singles, or groups are invited.

2007-07-21 9:00AM - 4:00PM KU Natural History Museum Safari

KU Natural History Museum Safari


Fossil hunting, picnic, and a truly rare experience... God-honoring tour of a Natural History Museum.

2007-07-14 8:30 - 10:30PM Astronomy Safari

Astronomy Safari


Each Astronomy Safari consists of an inspiring slide seminar followed by a tour of the heavens using tracking telescopes and binoculars.  For more information, get the Safari Detail Booklet, which also contains a map to the safari site.

2007-07-03 7:00 PM July 2007 - CSA Monthly Meeting

What is Science?

How Does it Apply to Origins?


"Creation as Fact and Theory"


The incessant, dogmatic mantra of the religious and scientific left is “Evolution is science, creation is religion.”  The converse is much closer to the truth.  By first carefully analyzing the history, nature, and philosophy of science we find that Creation can easily be stated as scientific propositions and shown to be “a fact of Science.”  Conversely, evolution is never stated as a true scientific proposition.  And it dare not be, for it is immediately recognized as falsified... countless times.  Equally interesting is that a refresher on the true nature of science will shed considerable light on other current topics, e.g., is there global warming? Can you be born homosexual or Transsexual?   Etc.

2007-07-01 7/1/07 - 7/6/07 Twin Peaks Family Science Adventure

Twin Peaks Family Science Adventure


Alpha Omega Institute is again offering excellent vacations combined with creation teaching in the Colorado Mountains. The teaching is centered on the Biblical and scientific case for creation, and the implications of the creation and evolution issue on the Christian faith. Twin Peaks offers hiking, fishing, a fossil dig, archery, miniature golf, and more. Families, singles, or groups are invited.

2007-06-21 June 21-23 Ozark Stream Float Trip Safari

Ozark Stream Float Trip Safari


Camp, canoe and swim in the beautiful Gasconade River in the heart of the Missouri Ozarks.  Enjoy a delightful weekend, and grow in grace and knowledge of river and canyon formation; what purifies our atmosphere; and the awesome "evidence for God's eternal power and deity" Rom 1:20.

2007-06-16 8:30 - 10:30PM Astronomy Safari

Astronomy Safari


Each Astronomy Safari consists of an inspiring slide seminar followed by a tour of the heavens using tracking telescopes and binoculars.  For more information, get the Safari Detail Booklet, which also contains a map to the safari.

2007-06-05 7:00 - 9:00PM June 2007 - CSA Monthly Meeting

The Hearing Ear and the Seeing Eye DVD

By Dr. David Menton


This unique talk received a standing ovation at Creation 2003. Anatomist Dr. David Menton takes you on a journey into the marvelous intricacies of the human ear, which has the clear stamp of the Creator and leaves skeptics speechless.


David Menton earned a Ph.D. in cell biology from Brown University. He served as a biomedical research technician at Mayo Clinic and then as an associate professor of anatomy at Washington University School of Medicine (St Louis).


DVD C223 6-CD’s "Design in Nature Pak" $55.00.

2007-05-26 May 26-28 Western Kansas Chalk and Fossil Beds

Western Kansas Chalk and Fossil Beds


One of the most famous chalk and fossil beds in the world. Visit Wildcat Canyon, Castle Rock, volcanic ash beds, and numerous other chalk and fossil beds. Bring home all the fossils you can carry.

2007-05-18 8:30 - 10:30PM Astronomy Safari

Astronomy Safari


Each Astronomy Safari consists of an inspiring slide seminar followed by a tour of the heavens using tracking telescopes and binoculars.  For more information, get the Safari Detail Booklet, which also contains a map to the safari site.

2007-05-01 7:00 - 9:00PM CSA Monthly Meeting

Geological Evidence of Catastrophism

By: Kevin Anderson


Brachiopods with preserved body parts, closed clams, tight rock folds, polystrate fern & tree fossils, clastic dikes, coal layers with no evidence of root fossils or erosion between them, fossilized internal organs in composita, clams in the dry pond of Kevin’s Mom, all in various degrees of open, filled with mud... all strong evidence for at least one global, water catastrophe. Looking at all this evidence, can we interpret it better through Biblical glasses? Reflecting on the real meaning of the irrational bias against major catastrophes in Earth history, with the Bible and so much other evidence against it, why or how did we get into the Old Earth Geology belief system?


Order Audio ($5.00) or Video (VHS) $20.00: A0269/V0269

2007-04-28 8AM - 6PM East Kansas Fossils & Coal Safari

East Kansas Fossils & Coal Safari


A day trip to the coal mining region of SE Kansas - great exploration, excellent evidence for the Genesis Flood, and, fun for all ages.  New this year, we will be touring the Tri-State Mineral Museum in Joplin.

2007-04-03 7:00 PM CSA Meeting

The 11 Great Proofs of Evolution - Part II

By: Tom Willis, BS, MA


In Part II we will wrap up the 11 Great Proofs with the Proofs from: Ranking, Vestigial Organs, Embryonic Recapitulation, Imaginative Evidence Production (which is ubiquitous), Outright Fraud, and Sub optimality (or Gould’s Delite). Again you will find it obvious that these proofs are Magic, not science. (See description of Great Proofs - I, Mar 6, 2007 CSA meeting.)


Order Audio ($5.00) or Video (VHS) $14.00: A0268/V0268

2007-04-01 Various on 4-01and 4-02 Answers in Genesis Seminar in KC

Answers in Genesis Seminar

Speaker: Ken Ham


Sunday April 1, Monday April 2 at
Tri-City Ministries,

4500 Little Blue Parkway 
Independence, Missouri

Ken's speaking schedule: 



April 01, 2007 9:30 AM to 10:30 AM

The Relevance of Genesis (All Ages)


10:30 AM to 11:30 AM

The Bible Explains Dinosaurs (All Ages)


6:00 PM to 7:00 PM

Defending the Christian Faith in Todays World (Ages 11 & UP)


7:20 PM to 9:00 PM

One Blood: The Biblical Answer to Racisim (Ages 11 & UP)



April 02, 2007 7:00 PM to 7:50 PM

Why Won't They Listen (Ages 11 & Up)


8:10 PM to 9:00 PM

How Could a Loving God Allow....? (Ages 11 & UP)

2007-03-23 7:15 - 9:15PM Astronomy Safari

Astronomy Safari


Each Astronomy Safari consists of an inspiring slide seminar followed by a tour of the heavens using tracking telescopes and binoculars. For more information, get the Safari Detail Booklet, which also contains a map to the safari site.

2007-03-06 7:00 PM CSA Meeting

The 11 Great Proofs of Evolution - Part I

By: Tom Willis, BS, MA


From Darwin to Museums, to high school and college texts, these 11 Proofs of Evolution, when any proofs are given, are virtually always parroted. They are typically presented far less competently than we will, yet always accompanied by the claim that they transform evolution from "theory" [it is not] to fact [the claim is a joke]. This month we will cover the Proofs from: Change, Natural Selection, Adaptation, the Fossil Record and Rocks, and Homology.

We intend to, rather easily, show that these proofs are all Magic, not one is science. Magic is the skilled art of creating an illusion that the audience has seen evidence which demonstrates that a myth is true (Examples:  1. "I will saw the woman in two,"   2.  "Millions of years ago fish turned into lizards.".  Practitioners of the first admit they are doing magic, and that the "proof" is a trick.  Practioners of the latter claim to be doing science, but, like the first, they are also doing magic, and the "proof" is a trick.)


Order Audio ($5.00) or Video (VHS) $14.00: A0267/V0267

2007-02-25 2/25/07 - 3/2/07 Winter Creation Adventure

Winter Creation Adventure


Creation Vacations combine informative presentations and children's programs with fantastic recreation for the whole family. These high quality low-cost vacations are extremely popular. Come to one we sponsor or schedule our team at your favorite camp or retreat center. Ask for a brochure.

2007-02-06 7:00-9:00P CSA Monthly Meeting

Dinosaurs & Feathered Dinosaurs - II

By: Tom Willis, BS, MA


In Part II we will wrap up the four classes of evidence that man undoubtedly coexisted with dinosaurs, a very short time ago, and we will close by presenting a reasonably thorough refutation of the equally absurd claim that "When you see a goose fly by, you are seeing a T-Rex." The reason I say "reasonably thorough" is that, if someone claims Andromeda is made of glowing green cheese, it may be difficult for man, who will never go there, to prove otherwise. But, one can analyze the evidence and logic used to support the claim... If there is any..

2007-01-26 6:30PM 1st Baptist, Kearney, Mo

Community Outreach Seminar on Origins

culminating a week of Origins/Christian teaching.


Where: 1st Baptist Church, Kearney, MO.


Topic: "The Relevance, Scientific Evidence for, and the Truth of Creation Contrasted with the Mythology of Evolution and the Magic Used in Lieu of Proof".

2007-01-16 6:30 - 9:30PM approx Origins Science for KU Intl Students

Origins Science


KU International Students


The 11 Great Proofs of Evolution - Science or Magic? - Part II - Origins Science Class for KU international students sponsored by Doorstep Ministries and Mustard Seed Church in Lawrence. Dinner, two hours or so of Powerpoint lecture and discussion quite late. Speaker: Tom Willis

2007-01-09 6:30 - 9:30PM approx Origins Science for KU Intl Students

Origins Science


KU International Students


The 11 Great Proofs of Evolution - Science or Magic? - Part I - Origins Science Class for KU International Students sponsored by Doorstep Ministries and Mustard Seed Church in Lawrence. Dinner, two hours or so of Powerpoint lecture and discussion quite late. Speaker: Tom Willis

2007-01-02 7:00 - 9:00PM CSA Monthly Meeting

Dinosaurs & Feathered Dinosaurs - I

By: Tom Willis, BS, MA


In every museum, all mainstream media, nearly all textbooks, simply everywhere you look, we are indoctrinated that a living man never saw a living dinosaur, that dinosaurs became extinct 65 million years ago, and one reason they went extinct is that they evolved into birds (though this last claim is resisted by a minority of the unbelief coalition. They believe dinosaurs evolved from another source). In these two talks we will examine four types of evidence that refute the extinction claims, their dates of extinction, and their claims that men never coexisted with dinosaurs.

2007-01-02 6:30 - 9:30PM approx Origins Science for KU Intl Students

Origins Science for KU Intl Students


Mutations Never Cause Evolution - Sponsored by Doorstep Ministries and Mustard Seed Church in Lawrence. Dinner, two hours or so of Powerpoint lecture and discussion quite late. Speaker: Cal Myers, Ph.D.

2006-12-26 6:30 - 9:30PM approx Origins Science for KU International Students

Origins Science for KU Intl Students


Science, Faith and Myth in which we carefully define all three and show that mythology and Magic (the proff stragegy for all myths) dominates all origins myths, especially evolution mythology.

Origins Science Class for KU international students sponsored by Doorstep Ministries and Mustard Seed Church in Lawrence. Dinner, two hours or so of Powerpoint lecture and discussion quite late. Speaker: Tom Willis

2006-12-19 6:30 - 9:30PM approx Origins Science for KU International Students

Origins Science for KU Intl Students


History of the World - As Told by God, As Told by the World - sponsored by Doorstep Ministries and Mustard Seed Church in Lawrence. Dinner, two hours or so of Powerpoint lecture and discussion quite late. Speaker: Tom Willis

2006-12-05 7:00 - 9:00 PM CSA Monthly Meeting

Velocity of Light - Proof of Old Earth?

By: David Penny


Light travel time to Earth from distance stars is supposed to prove Earth is very old. Einstein's theories of relativity are based on a constant speed of light and the equivalence of gravity and acceleration with its warped space and time dilation. Einstein rejected the idea that light is transported by a medium and that anything can travel faster than the speed of light which is approximately 186,000 miles per second. Simple observations about the nature of light and gravity are totally contrary to Einstein's theory. A modified classical Gallilean relativity, without warped space and with commonly known phenomena of light and gravity, can explain light travel time and other problems like the Pioneer anomaly and the Shapiro effect where light appears to fail to obey either Einstein's or Newton's theories of light. The speed of light, according to Maxwell's equations, may in fact approach infinite speeds in deep or interstellar space.

2006-12-02 9AM-4PM Squaw Creek Game Refuge Safari

Squaw Creek Game Refuge Safari


Thousands of geese and ducks hundreds of deer and bald eagles, hiking, fossil hunt, Loess soil and fascinating seminars on Geology and God's Marvels, including migration.

2006-11-17 7:15-9:15PM Astronomy Safari

Astronomy Safari


Each Astronomy Safari consists of an inspiring slide seminar followed by a tour of the heavens using tracking telescopes and binoculars. For more information, get the Safari Detail Booklet, which also contains a map to the safari site.

2006-11-07 7:00 - 9:00PM CSA Monthly Meeting

Naturalism and Court Decisions

By David Penny


Since the 1940's, Supreme Court decisions on the nature of science have been established precedents that exclude supernaturalism (God, prayer, miracles, religious holidays, creationism, etc.) from public supported education or governmental affairs. On the surface this is based on a "wall of separation between church and state" from a letter by Thomas Jefferson to a Baptist group. Purportedly, the Constitutional prohibition against governmental establishment of religion in the first amendment of the US Constitution prohibits state moneys from supporting religious ideas in schools. The Court changed the assumption subtly to a "wall of separation between the state and supernaturalism." "Naturalism is scientific, supernaturalism is religious." One fallacy of this assumption is that from the basic laws of science, the origin of matter and energy (the sum total of the Universe) and the order of matter and energy in the Universe, require a supernatural creation and supernatural creator. Naturalism, the basis of the Court decisions, is antiscientific concerning the very existence and nature of the Universe.


Dave Penny is a physics graduate of MIT, an inventor and was a member of the US Space Team.

2006-10-21 9:00AM-6:00PM KATY Bike Trail Safari

KATY Bike Trail Safari


Bicycle Trip along the beautiful Missouri River bluffs near Boonville, MO. Fall colors, explore the cause and age of the Missouri River valley.

2006-10-20 7:15-9:15PM Astronomy Safari

Astronomy Safari


Each Astronomy Safari consists of an inspiring slide seminar followed by a tour of the heavens using tracking telescopes and binoculars. For more information, get the Safari Detail Booklet, which also contains a map to the safari site.

2006-10-03 7:00-9:00PM CSA Monthly Meeting

The Privileged Planet
The Search for Purpose in the Universe

Video by Illustra Media


Since Copernicus, atheists, and many others, have contrived to paint a picture of Earth as a "Pale Blue Dot" (Carl Sagan), insignificant in our galzxie, even less significant in the Cosmos. They have also struggled to present a confidence that life would be found everywhere. As usual, the blind faith of atheism is shown to be unwarrented by the facts.

2006-09-22 7:15-9:15PM Astronomy Safari

Astronomy Safari


Each Astronomy Safari consists of an inspiring slide seminar followed by a tour of the heavens using tracking telescopes and binoculars. For more information, get the Safari Detail Booklet, which also contains a map to the safari site.

2006-09-05 7:00 - 9:00PM CSA Monthly Meeting

The Bering Straight Theory Reconsidered

by Lynn Lemons


Like evolution, the "Bering Straight Theory" of how Indians got to N. America is virtually a secular dogma. Dissenters are treated as heretics, and often punished. Why? What is the evidence for this theory... for alternate theories? Ironically, new research and a new book by a Christian, Creationist sheds very important new light on the whole squabble.

2006-09-01 9/01-9/04 Southeast Missouri/Johnson's Shut-ins Safari

Southeast Missouri

Johnson's Shut-ins Safari


Becoming our most popular safari with all ages. Visit, swim and play in some of the world's most interesting geologic formations: Johnson's Shut-ins, Taum Sauk Mountain, Elephant Rocks ("elephant shaped" granite formations), while learning how all these formed quickly.

2006-08-25 8:00-10:00PM Astronomy Safari

Astronomy Safari


Each Astronomy Safari consists of an inspiring slide seminar followed by a tour of the heavens using tracking telescopes and binoculars. For more information, get the Safari Detail Booklet, which also contains a map to the safari site.

2006-08-12 10:00AM-2:30PM Rock Bridge Cave Tour Safari

Rock Bridge Cave Tour Safari


A truly "wild' cave, i.e., no fancy sidewalks or lights. WE bring our own lights. One of Missouri's longest caves in the heart of Missouri's famous Karst region (a region marked by caves, sinkholes, natural bridges, underground rivers, etc.)

2006-07-28 8:30-10:30PM Astronomy Safari

Astronomy Safari


Each Astronomy Safari consists of an inspiring slide seminar followed by a tour of the heavens using tracking telescopes and binoculars. For more information, get the Safari Detail Booklet, which also contains a map to the safari site.

2006-07-22 9:00AM-4:00PM KU Natural History Museum Safari

KU Natural History Museum Safari


Fossil hunt, picnic, and a truly rare experience.... God-honoring tour of a Natural History Museum.

2006-07-11 7:00-9:00PM CSA Monthly Meeting

"The Necessity for Evolutionism"

by Ellen Myers, MA.


Ellen grew up in Nazi Germany, a nation founded on evolutionism. She also has her Masters in the History of European Intellectual Thought. Abrilliant speaker, Ellen knows empirically and theoretically the way evolutionists think, why, and the easily predictable results of a society ruled by them.

2006-06-24 6/24-6/26 Ozark Stream Float Trip Safari

Ozark Stream Float Trip Safari


Camp, canoe and swim in the beautiful Niangua River in the heart of the Missouri Ozarks. A delightful weekend, grow in grace and knowledge of river and canyon formations; what purifies our atmosphere; and the awesome "evidence for God's eternal power and deity" [Rom 1:20].

2006-06-06 7:00-9:00PM CSA Monthly Meeting

"Geologic Evidences for Very Rapid Strata Deposition in the Grand Canyon DVD

by Steven A. Austin, Ph.D.


Strata of Grand Canyon document the inside story of the history of the ground beneath our feet. Strata, fossils, faults, erosion, and volcanoes reveal the catastrophic Flood of Noah's day at Grand Canyon. Evidence from Mount St. Helens provides a modern laboratory confirming the obvious conclusions drawn from the evidence at Grand Canyon.

2006-06-02 8:30-10:30PM Astronomy Safari

Astronomy Safari


Each Astronomy Safari consists of an inspiring slide seminar followed by a tour of the heavens using tracking telescopes and binoculars. For more information, get the Safari Detail Booklet, which also contains a map to the safari site.

2006-05-27 5/27-5/29 Western Kansas Chalk and Fossil Beds Safari

Western Kansas Chalk


Fossil Beds Safari


One of the most famous chalk and fossil beds in the world. Visit Wildcat Canyon, Castle Rock, volcanic ash beds, and numerous other chalk and fossil beds. Bring home all the fossils you can carry.

2006-05-19 8:30-10:30PM Astronomy Safari

Astronomy Safari


Each Astronomy Safari consists of an inspiring slide seminar followed by a tour of the heavens using tracking telescopes and binoculars. For more information, get the Safari Detail Booklet, which also contains a map to the safari site.

2006-05-02 7:00-9:00PM CSA Monthly Meeting

The Genesis Flood

Religious Myth or Historical Fact?

by Ken Carlson


Discussion of the geologic history of the world is virtually always influenced by the religion of the speaker. What I have observed is that opponents of a global flood claim the flood view is "just religion" but expend far more time and energy discussing religion than proponents of the flood. The reason? Explaining the physical evidence demands a global flood essentially like that described in Scripture. Opponents of Scripture must engage in name-calling to divert attention from the lack of evidence for their floodless or local-flood position.

2006-04-29 8:00AM-6:00PM East Kansas Fossils & Coal Safari

East Kansas Fossils & Coal Safar


A day trip to the coal mining region of SE Kansas - great exploration, excellent evidence for the Genesis Flood, and, fun for all ages, climbing to the top of Big Brutus, the 2nd largest electric shovel in the world!

2006-04-28 8:00-10:00PM Astronomy Safari

Astronomy Safari


Each Astronomy Safari consists of an inspiring slide seminar followed by a tour of the heavens using tracking telescopes and binoculars. For more information, get the Safari Detail Booklet, which also contains a map to the safari site.

2006-04-04 April 4-7; 10:30-11:30AM Public Seminar in Kansas City

Public Seminar in Kansas City

by: Steven Austin, Ph.D. Geology


Topic: Real Geology versus Uniformitarianism/Darwinism
Sponsor: Calvary Seminary, McCarrell Theological Lecture Series.

Blue River Bible Church

15608 Fairchild Drive

(across street from Calvary Bible College and Seminary)

2006-04-04 7:00-9:00PM CSA Monthly Meeting

The Nature and Origin

of Information in Nature

by Kevin Anderson


It has been said, if you could put a million monkeys with typewriters in a room, over time, one of the monkeys could type out Shakespeare's Macbeth. On the surface, this seems logical until you examine the true nature of information, as it relates to the development of life. After all, information needed to operate a biological machine, even as simple as a one cell organism, needs to be relevant to the machine in its environment at the time it needs it. Can changing the information through random-chance errors result in information more complex and more relevant? As we will see, the nature of information shows that any error puts a "monkey wrench" in the works.

2006-04-02 10:00 AM Seminar

Seminar by Dr. Ken Hovind


Dr. Kent Hovind of Creation Science Evangelism will be speaking at Calvary Chapel Johnson County.

2006-04-01 Saturday evening Seminar

Seminar by Dr. Ken Hovind


An evening seminar featuring Dr. Kent Hovind of Creation Science Evangelism. The seminar is being held at the Oak Grove High School and is sponsored by Broadway Baptist Church and First Baptist Church of Oak Grove.

2006-03-31 7:15-9:15PM Astronomy Safari

Astronomy Safari


Each Astronomy Safari consists of an inspiring slide seminar followed by a tour of the heavens using tracking telescopes and binoculars. For more information, get the Safari Detail Booklet, which also contains a map to the safari site.

2006-03-07 7:00-9:00 PM CSA Monthly Meeting

Mathematics in Nature


the Nature of Mathematics - Part II

by Bob Farwell


It is often claimed that mathematics is the one subject that cannot be taught from a distinctly Biblical perspective. Having taught math, Bob does not agree and has violated that claim for years. There is so much material on this subject, and it is so new to so many, that Bob felt it could not be covered in one meeting.

2006-02-07 7:00PM - 9:00PM CSA Monthly Meeting

Mathematics in Nature


the Nature of Mathematics - Part I

by Bob Farwell


It is often claimed that mathematics is the one subject which cannot be taught from a distinctly Biblical perspective.  Bob does not agree and has been violating that claim for quite a few years.  Like other aspects of science, in Math, we typically find that God was using higher mathematical principles before man was even on the scene to pretend that he had invented mathematics.

2006-01-03 7:00PM - 9:00PM CSA Monthly Meeting

The Relevance of Creation

by Tom Willis


It behooves us to occasionally review why we are in this ministry.  There are some who feel that our view of Biblical history is wrong, and some who feel it is irrelevant.  This talk focuses on the overwhelming evidence that origins are foundational to all Christian doctrines.  We typically discuss Biblical history in "History of the World" talks, so that is not the thrust of this talk.  Tom recently completed converting, rewriting and updating his various "relevance" talks to Powerpoint, and has given a few of the new talks.  Now he will share a fresh look at an important issue with a CSA audience for your consideration.

2005-12-06 7:00-9:00PM CSA Monthly Meeting

R.A.T.E. Final Report

Radioisotopes and the Age of The Earth


CSA will review the DVD at this meeting and CSA leaders will add comments on some of the material covered. This is could be the most detailed and important Creation Research in history. To any with eyes to see, it should demonstrate that real Science teaches a young earth.

More Info: and CSA News November 2005

2005-12-03 9AM-4PM Squaw Creek Safari

Squaw Creek Safari


Thousands of geese and ducks, hundreds of deer and bald eagles, hiking, fossil hunt, Loess soil and fascinating seminars on Geology and God's Marvels, including migration.

2005-11-05 8:00AM-3:00PM ICR RATE Report Conference

RATE, Radio Isotopes

and the Age of The Earth

Final Report.


Four of eight scientists on the RATE team will present the team findings that "reveal their amazing discoveries from an eight-year research project that strikes at the very heart of evolution by shining new light on the age of the earth." One day, in El Cahon, Calif.

2005-11-01 7:00-9:00 PM CSA Monthly Meeting

A "Fresh" Ancient Approach

to Genesis 1 & 2

by Curt Wagner, PhD Theoretical Physics


We will show that claims of contradictions and 'unscientific' statements in Genesis 1 & 2 (e.g. in the myth of the 'two creation stories' and the puzzle of the 'firmament') disappear when we study the Hebrew texts instead of the English translations. In so doing, we will uncover the amazing cosmogony and cosmology which Moses knew and recorded almost 3400 years before Einstein, Hubble and scientists rediscovered them!

2005-10-28 7:15-9:15PM Astronomy Safari

Astronomy Safari


Each Astronomy Safari consists of an inspiring slide seminar followed by a tour of the heavens using tracking telescopes and binoculars. For more information, get the Safari Detail Booklet, which also contains a map to the safari site.

2005-10-23 4:00 - 6:00PM Origins Seminar

Enlightening Strikes in Horton

by Glenn Kailer


A Sunday afternoon, multi-week seminar on Biblical Origins, Science, Faith and Myth. "What about Dinosaurs? Real World Geology, Radiometric Dating" and other topics.

2005-10-22 9AM-6PM KATY Bike Trail Safari

KATY Bike Trail Safari


Bicycle trip in the beautiful Missouri River valley near Boonville, MO. Fall colors, explore the cause and age of the Missouri River and its valley.

2005-10-04 7:00-9:00PM CSA Monthly Meeting

Indicators of Earth Age

by Glenn Kailer

2005-09-23 7:15-9:15 PM Astronomy Safari

Astronomy Safari


Each Astronomy Safari consists of an inspiring slide seminar followed by a tour of the heavens using tracking telescopes and binoculars. For more information, get the Safari Detail Booklet, which also contains a map to the safari site.

2005-09-16 Various Times 3-Day Bible Conference

Three-Day Bible Conference

Dr. John Whitcomb


Co-author with Dr. Henry Morris, of the seminal book The Genesis Flood will be conducting the conference:

Fri 9/16 - 7:00 - 8:00PM

The Rapture of the Church

Sat 9/17 - 10:00 - 12:00

Biblical Creation and Intelligent Design + Q & A

Sun 9/18 - 9:00, 10:00AM

The Two Witnesses

10:15 - 11:30AM

The Antichrist

1:30 - 2:30PM

The 2nd Coming of Christ


Kansas City Christian School


Mission Road Bible Church.

2005-09-06 7:00-9:00PM CSA Monthly Meeting

Science & Faith vs Myth & Magic

by Glenn Kailer

2005-09-02 9/2-9/6 CSA SE Missouri Safari

Southeast Missouri Safari


Becoming our most popular safari with all ages. Visit, swim and play in some of the world's most interesting geologic formations. Visit Johnson's Shut-ins, Taum Sauk Mountain, Elephant Rocks (large, "elephant shaped" granite formations), while learning how all these formed quickly.

2005-08-26 8PM-10PM Astronomy Safari

Astronomy Safari


Each Astronomy Safari consists of an inspiring slide seminar followed by a tour of the heavens using tracking telescopes and binoculars. For more information, get the Safari Detail Booklet, which also contains a map to the safari site.

2005-08-16 10AM-2:30PM CSA's Rock Bridge Cave Tour Safari

Rock Bridge Cave Tour Safari


A truly "wild" cave, i.e., no fancy sidewalks or lights. We bring our own lights. One of Missouri's longest caves in the heart of Missouri's famous Karst region (a region marked by caves, sinkholes, natural bridges, underground rivers, etc.)

2005-08-15 7:45PM-9:45PM Astronomy Safari

Astronomy Safari


Each Astronomy Safari consists of an inspiring slide seminar followed by a tour of the heavens using tracking telescopes and binoculars. For more information, get the Safari Detail Booklet, which also contains a map to the safari site.

2005-08-12 8:15-10:15PM Astronomy Safari

Astronomy Safari


Each Astronomy Safari consists of an inspiring slide seminar followed by a tour of the heavens using tracking telescopes and binoculars. For more information, get the Safari Detail Booklet, which also contains a map to the safari site.

2005-08-02 7:00-8:30 PM CSA Monthly Meeting

Why Study Origins?

What Does Genesis Really Say?

By George Shulte


Are the first 11 chapter of Genesis God's infallible Word? Or are they just a collection of stories that somehow found its way to the front of God's Holy Scripture?

2005-07-16 9AM-4PM KU Natural History Museum Safari

KU Natural History Museum Safari


Fossil hunt, picnic, and a truly rare experience. God-honoring tour of a Natural History Museum.

2005-06-25 6/27-6/27 Ozark Stream Float Safari

Ozark Stream Float Safari


Camp, canoe and swim in the beautiful Jack's Fork River in the heart of the Missouri Ozarks.  A delightful weekend, and grow in grace and knowledge of river and canyon formation; what purifies our atmosphere; and the awesome "evidence for God's eternal power and deity" [Rom 1:20].

2005-06-07 7:00-9:00PM CSA Monthly Meeting

The Fossil Record

What Does it Really Tell Us?

by Bob Farwell

2005-06-03 8:30PM-10:30PM Astronomy Safari

Astronomy Safari


Each Astronomy Safari consists of an inspiring slide seminar followed by a tour of the heavens using tracking telescopes and binoculars. For more information, get the Safari Detail Booklet, which also contains a map to the safari site.

2005-05-28 5/28-5/30 Western Kansas Safari

Western Kansas Safari


One of the most famous chalk and fossil beds in the world. Visit Wildcat Canyon, Castle Rock, volcanic ash beds, and numerous other chalk and fossil beds. Bring home all the fossils you can carry.

2005-05-03 7:00-9:00PM CSA Monthly Meeting

The Age of the Earth

Using Geologic Formations - Part II

by Tom Willis

2005-04-05 7:00-9:00PM CSA Monthly Meeting

The Age of the Earth

Using Geologic Formations - Part I

by Tom Willis


Stories of an old earth really got rolling with James Hutton, a failure at law, medicine and farming, who became an "expert" at geology. Then "true geology" really got its foundation from a British lawyer named Charles Lyell. Was what they said good science or bad philosophy?

2005-04-02 8AM-6PM SE Kansas Geology - Big Brutus Safari

SE Kansas Geology - Big Brutus Safari


A day trip to the coal mining region of SE Kansas provides great exploration, excellent evidence for the Genesis Flood, and, fun for all ages, climbing to the top of Big Brutus, the 2nd largest electric shovel in the world!

2005-03-20 3/20-3/22 Answers in Genesis

Answers in Genesis


A four day Seminar featuring Ken Ham, Dr David Menton and Buddy Davis. Held in Joplin, MO. At Missouri Southern State University.

2005-03-14 3/14-3/20; 7PM Solomon's Porch Church

Creation vs Evolution Seminar Series

Dr Grady McMurtry


3600 Walnut

Kansas City, MO 64111

2005-03-11 7:15 PM-9:15 PM Astronomy Safari

Astronomy Safari


Each Astronomy Safari consists of an inspiring slide seminar followed by a tour of the heavens using tracking telescopes and binoculars. For more information, get the Safari Detail Booklet, which also contains a map to the safari site.

2005-03-01 7:00-9:00PM CSA Monthly Meeting

The Age of the Earth

Using Radiometric Dating - Part II

by Tom Willis

2005-02-01 7:00-9:00PM CSA Monthly Meeting

The Age of the Earth

Using Radiometric Dating - Part I

by Tom Willis


Does Radiometric Dating give us any coherent picture of Earth Age? Only if you leave out the vast majority of rocks tested. (Postponed from 1/04 due to ice storm).

2005-01-16 6:00-7:30PM Seminar

Textbook Evidence for Evolution

by Bob Farwel


Summit Woods Baptist Church

1221 SE Broadway

Lee's Summit, MO

2005-01-11 7:00-8:00PM Seminar

Ape Men

by Bob Farwell


Clay-Platte Homeschoolers @ Vineyard Church

Frontage Rd at I29 & NE 64th

North Kansass City, Missouri

2005-01-04 7:00-9:00PM CSA Monthly Meeting

The Age of the Earth - Radiometric Dating

by Tom Willis


(Postponed to February due to ice storm)

2004-12-21 6:30-9:00PM 5 Wk Seminar Lawrence, Ks

"Christianity & Origins"
for KU foreign students

by Tom Willis, Ken Carlson, Cal Myers

2004-12-12 9:30 - 10:30AM CSA Seminar: Santa Fe Hills Baptist Church

Real Scientists Just Say NO!

#13 Conclusion Q & A, Discussion

by Tom Willis

2004-12-07 7:00 - 9:00PM CSA Monthly Meeting

The History of the World

As Told by God - As Told by the World

By: Larry Rink

2004-12-05 9:30 - 10:30AM CSA Seminar: Santa Fe Hills Baptist Church

Real Scientists Just Say NO!

#12 Tree Ring Dating

A Classic Example of

Deception in 'Evolution Science'

By Mark Matthews

2004-12-04 9:00AM - 4:00PM CSA Creation Safari: Squaw Creek Game Refuge

Squaw Creek Game Refuge Safari

2004-11-28 9:30 - 10:30AM CSA Seminar: SFHBC

Real Scientists Just Say NO!

#11 "The Wonders of Creation"

by Bob Farwell

2004-11-21 9:30 - 10:30AM CSA Seminar: Santa Fe Hills Baptist Church

Real Scientists Just Say NO!

#10 "Mystery of Ancient Civilizations"

by Bob Farwell

2004-11-14 9:30 - 10:30AM CSA Seminar: Santa Fe Hills Baptist Church

Real Scientists Just Say NO!

#9 "Dinosaurs

When did they live and what happened to them?"

by Tom Willis

2004-11-07 9:30 - 10:30AM CSA Seminar: Santa Fe Hills Baptist Church

Real Scientists Just Say NO!

#8 "The Great Proofs of Evolution"

by Tom Willis

2004-11-05 7:15 - 9:15PM CSA - Astronomy Safari

Astronomy Safari


Each Astronomy Safari consists of an inspiring slide seminar followed by a tour of the heavens using tracking telescopes and binoculars. For more information, get the Safari Detail Booklet, which also contains a map to the safari site.

2004-11-04 5:00PM - 9:00PM Family Creation Seminar

Family Creation Seminar

By Lanny and Marilyn Johnson with Eugene Tiger

all of Alpha-Omega Institute.


(ages 5 - adult) Four hours in two Sessions: 5:00PM and 7:00PM. Picnic dinner served at 6:30PM.


Overland Park First Assembly of God

7700 W. 75th Street

Overland Park, Kansas

2004-11-04 10:00 - 12:00AM Family Creation Seminar

Family Creation Seminar

By Lanny and Marilyn Johnson with Eugene Tiger

all of Alpha-Omega Institute.



Good Shepherd Academy

Ruskin Heights Presbyterian Church

11000 Ruskin Way

Kansas City, Missouri

2004-11-03 1:00 - 3:00PM Family Creation Seminar

Family Creation Seminar

By Lanny and Marilyn Johnson with Eugene Tiger

all of Alpha-Omega Institute.



Good Shepherd Academy

Ruskin Heights Presbyterian Church

11000 Ruskin Way

Kansas City, Missouri

2004-11-02 7:00 - 9:00PM CSA Monthly Meeting

Hubble Bubble, Big Bang in Trouble Video

by Dr. John Hartnett

2004-10-31 9:30 - 10:30AM CSA Seminar: Santa Fe Hills Baptist Church

Real Scientists Just Say NO!

#7 The Genesis Flood

Mt. St. Helens and the Origin of Coal

by Ken Carlson

2004-10-24 9:30 - 10:30AM CSA Seminar: Santa Fe Hills Baptist Church

Real Scientists Just Say NO!

#6 The Genesis Flood

Mt. St. Helens and the Origin of Coal"

by Ken Carlson

2004-10-23 9:00AM - 6:00PM CSA - KATY Bike Trail

KATY Bike Trail


Bicycle Trip along the beautiful Missouri River bluffs near Boonville, MO. Fall colors, explore the cause and age of the Missouri River valley.

2004-10-17 9:30 - 10:30AM CSA Seminar: Santa Fe Hills Baptist Church

Real Scientists Just Say NO!

#5 "Creation/Evolution

Which is Science? Which is True?"

by Tom Willis

2004-10-15 7:15 - 9:15PM CSA - Astronomy Safari

Astronomy Safari


Each Astronomy Safari consists of an inspiring slide seminar followed by a tour of the heavens using tracking telescopes and binoculars. For more information, get the Safari Detail Booklet, which also contains a map to the safari site.

2004-10-10 9:30 - 10:30AM CSA Seminar: Santa Fe Hills Baptist Church

Real Scientists Just Say NO!

#4: Creation/Evolution

Which is Science? Which is True?

by Tom Willis

2004-10-05 7:00 - 9:00PM CSA Monthly Meeting

Creation Evangelism Part II

Practical Application

by Mark McCalmon

2004-10-04 Oct 4-5 All Day Lutheran Educator's Conference, KC District LCMS, Ramada Inn

Lutheran Educator's Conference

Is Creation Relevant?

Science, Faith & Myth and Dinosaurs

by Tom Willis


Tom Willis will present 4 sessions during the two days (twice).

2004-10-03 9:30 - 10:30AM CSA Seminar: Santa Fe Hills Baptist Church

Real Scientists Just Say NO!

#3: History of the World as told by God - Part 2

by Larry Rink

2004-09-26 9:30 - 10:30AM CSA Seminar: Santa Fe Hills Baptist Church

Real Scientists Just Say NO!

#2: History of the World as told by God

by Larry Rink

2004-09-19 9:30 - 10:30AM CSA Seminar: Santa Fe Hills Baptist Church

Real Scientists Just Say NO!

#1: Is Creation Relevant?

by Tom Willis

2004-09-12 10:45 - Kickoff 13 Wk Seminar CSA Seminar: Santa Fe Hills Baptist Church

Real Scientists Just Say NO!


by Tom Willis


13-Week Seminar.

First seminar session: 9/19/04

Last Session: 12/12/04

8711 Wornall Road

Kansas City, Missouri

Jerry Sykes, Pastor (816) 363-1444

2004-09-10 7:30 - 9:30PM CSA - Astronomy Safari

Astronomy Safari


Each Astronomy Safari consists of an inspiring slide seminar followed by a tour of the heavens using tracking telescopes and binoculars. For more information, get the Safari Detail Booklet, which also contains a map to the safari site.

2004-09-07 7:00 - 9:00PM CSA Monthly Meeting

Creation Evangelism - Part I

Developing an Apologetic Character

by Mark McCalmon

2004-09-03 Sept 3 - 6 CSA - Southeast Missouri, Johnson's Shut-ins

Southeast Missouri, Johnson's Shut-ins


Becoming our most popular safari with all ages. Visit, swim and play in some of the world's most interesting geologic formations. Visit Johnson's Shut-ins, Taum Sauk Mountain, Elephant Rocks (large, "elephant shaped" granite formations), while learning how all these formed quickly.

2004-08-14 9:00AM - 4:00PM CSA - Fossils & Geology of Kansas City

Fossils & Geology of Kansas City

2004-08-13 8:00 - 10:00PM CSA - Astronomy Safari

Astronomy Safari


Each Astronomy Safari consists of an inspiring slide seminar followed by a tour of the heavens using tracking telescopes and binoculars. For more information, get the Safari Detail Booklet, which also contains a map to the safari site.

2004-08-03 7:00 - 9:00 PM CSA Monthly Meeting

Amazing Creatures that Defy Evolution - II



A video series featuring the research of former evolutionist Dr. Jobe Martin

2004-07-17 2004/07/17 CSA - KU Natural History Museum

KU Natural History Museum


Fossil hunt, picnic, and a truly rare experience.. God-honoring tour of a Natural History Museum.

2004-07-12 July 12 - 17, 2004 Dinosaur Digs

Dinosaur Digs

with John Mackay, Joe Taylor, et al

2004-07-10 8:30 - 10:30PM Astronomy Safari

Astronomy Safari


Each Astronomy Safari consists of an inspiring slide seminar followed by a tour of the heavens using tracking telescopes and binoculars. For more information, get the Safari Detail Booklet, which also contains a map to the safari site.

2004-07-06 7:00 - 9:00 PM CSA Monthly Meeting

Amazing Creatures that Defy Evolution - II



A video series featuring the research of former evolutionist Dr. Jobe Martin

2004-07-05 July 5 - 10, 2004 Dinosaur Digs with John Mackay, Joe Taylor, et al

Dinosaur Digs

with John Mackay, Joe Taylor, et al

2004-06-26 June 26 - 28 (Sat - Mon) CSA - Ozark Stream Float Trip

Ozark Stream Float Trip


Camp, canoe and swim in the beautiful Jack's Fork River in the heart of the Missouri Ozarks.  A delightful weekend, and grow in grace and knowledge of river and canyon formation; what purifies our atmosphere; and the awesome "evidence for God's eternal power and deity" [Rom 1:20].

2004-06-14 June 14 -18 Dinosaur Digs with Adventure Safaris

Dinosaur Digs with Adventure Safaris

2004-06-12 8:30 - 10:30PM CSA - Astronomy Safari

Astronomy Safari


Each Astronomy Safari consists of an inspiring slide seminar followed by a tour of the heavens using tracking telescopes and binoculars. For more information, get the Safari Detail Booklet, which also contains a map to the safari site.

2004-06-07 June 7 -11 Dinosaur Digs with Adventure Safaris

Dinosaur Digs with Adventure Safaris



Copyright: © 2025 by Creation Science Association for Mid-America (CSAMA)
Organization: The Creation Science Association For Mid-America

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Saturday - 01/25/2025