Contact Information & Links


Please choose the correct form below for your inquiry, comment or question.


Safari Pre-Registration Contact Webmaster
You must pre-register for ALL safaris.
Call 913-515-6421 or use this form to pre-register.
General inquires, seminar or materials, etc.. Any technical problems with the website.


(If for any reason the above contact pages do not work correctly (comes back with an error), please try again,

if that does not work, send a note to the Webmaster, and if that link still does not work right,

contact us via our official phone contact below and explain the problem.)


CSAMA is run by a small number of volunteers.
We do not have a full time staff to answer email or phone calls.
So please forgive us if we don't respond right away.


Official phone contact person for all things CSAMA:

  • Kevin Anderson: (913) 972-1616


Additional Phone Numbers:

  • Astronomy safaris only: (913) 515-6421.
  • Lending Library: (913) 492-6545
Snail Mail:

Creation Science Association for Mid-America

PO Box 13503

Overland Park, KS 66282-3503


Copyright: © 2025 by Creation Science Association for Mid-America (CSAMA)
Organization: The Creation Science Association For Mid-America

Copyright & Disclaimer Notice

Sunday - 02/16/2025